How do you protect yourself and your family against the flu this season?

Last year (2017-2018) was the worst flu season in the United States in four decades, causing nearly 80,000 deaths.

There is no way of knowing if this season will be as severe as the last, but we know that flu cases already exist in Brevard County.

The Florida Department of Health (FDOH) recently confirmed that this week's first flu-related pediatric death occurred just four weeks ago on October 6th. He was not released where the death occurred.

This child was tested positive for influenza B, had no underlying health problem, but had not been vaccinated against the flu.

Last year, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) reported that 183 children had died of the flu. The majority of these deaths involved children who had not been vaccinated.

Of course, everyone who gets the flu virus does not get sick or dies of death. However, the virus causes millions of diseases and nearly 100,000 hospitalizations.

The CDC estimates that between 6,000 and 26,000 children under the age of 5 are hospitalized each year due to complications from the flu.

It is important to understand that, according to the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), annual influenza vaccination is recommended for all persons 6 months of age and older.

Children under 6 months of age can not be vaccinated. Therefore, a "collective immunity" is necessary, which means that anyone who meets a child under 6 months old must have been vaccinated.

The protocol states that children aged 6 months to 8 years need two vaccines at least 28 days apart to benefit from complete immunity.

Who is most at risk of getting the flu?

Although anyone can have a severe case of influenza, some groups are more susceptible to severe cases.

Newborns and children under 5 are considered to be at greatest risk for complications, as are pregnant women, people over 65, and patients with chronic medical conditions such as asthma, diabetes or heart disease.

Complications of the flu can include pneumonia, sinusitis, ear infections, dehydration, as well as worsening of long-term problems such as heart disease, asthma, or diabetes. A severe case of influenza can also lead to sepsis or blood infection that can lead to organ failure, brain dysfunction and death.

How do you know if you have the flu?

According to the CDC, unlike the cold or rhinovirus, whose appearance is slow, the flu suddenly starts.

Although symptoms may vary, typical indications are fever, cough, sore throat, runny nose or stuffy nose, body aches, headache, chills, fatigue and sometimes diarrhea and / or or vomiting.

Influenza is thought to be transmitted by tiny droplets of viral germs that spread by sneezing, coughing or touching contaminated surfaces.

The flu is hard to contain because a person can be contagious even before they have symptoms.

Individuals can transmit the influenza virus up to five to seven days after the onset of the disease and potentially longer in immunocompromised individuals.

Influenza is more prevalent during the winter months, from December to February, although it can be contracted at any time of the year.

When should I see a doctor?

People of all ages with flu-like symptoms should consult a doctor if breathing is rapid, superficial or cloudy. bluish skin color, low oral consumption and / or decreased urinary output.

In addition, lethargy, irritability and the flu-like symptom improvement scenario, although the return of fever and cough are severe, are also signs of medical assistance.

Who should not be vaccinated?

People who have had a serious reaction to an earlier influenza vaccine, people with a serious illness with or without fever, and anyone with a history of Guillain-Barré syndrome within six weeks of an influenza vaccine should not be vaccinated.

There are many measures to prevent the flu, such as washing your hands well and avoiding sick people.

If you are diagnosed, there are effective antivirals, such as Tamiflu, that help alleviate the severity of the disease, if started within the first 48 hours.

To prevent the spread of the flu, stay home until you are cured or at least 24 hours without fever.

In closing, there are many myths about influenza vaccine.

It is important to note that the influenza vaccine is safe and created by applying strict safety and production controls.

You can not get the flu from the flu vaccine.

It is created from an inactive virus that can not be transmitted.

The usual side effects of influenza vaccine are minimal, including a sore arm and possibly mild fever.

Investing in an influenza vaccine reduces your chances of getting the flu by 40% to 60%.

A good investment because we all hope to reduce the chances that this year's flu season is not as intense as the last.

Margaret Nemethy has been a registered nurse practitioner in pediatrics for over 27 years. She is a member of the Florida & National Association of Nurse Practitioners and the Florida Nurses Association. She joined Pediatrics at Brevard in 1996, with a special interest in early childhood development and ADHD. Nemethy is located in the pediatric office at Brevard Melbourne.

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