How to see the Comet 21P Pass By Earth this month


Picture: Pexels

Comet 21P / Giacobini Zinner (affectionately called "21P") prepares to pass through the earth and, if you are lucky, you might even see it yourself.

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In fact, the comet spends the land every 6.6 years, but this year it's getting closer to what it's been in the last 72 years, which probably CNET reports.

You can see the comet with a good pair of binoculars (or a telescope), but it will be the brightest and the closest on September 10th and 11th and on September 18th. Here is a video of the comet a little further taken with a telescope:

If you want to check it out, NASA's ambassador, Eddie Irizarry, has a detailed explanation of how and when you can catch the comet on EarthSky, as well as indispensable diagrams that detail exactly what you're looking for.

Irizarry also has details on another comet, Wirtanen, which is expected to pass in December.

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