How to see the Orionids 2018 meteor shower and observe the cosmos at work


Do you remember the first time you saw a shooting star? Yes, and I will never forget it. I was about 7 or 8 years old, camping with my family somewhere in the Santa Ynez Valley in California, far from any cosmopolitan light pollution. What seemed to be thousands of stars glittered in the night sky like flashes of light, and since I was born and raised in the city, seeing so many cosmos at once was new to me . I was lying on a reclining chair, staring at the universe with absolute wonder and, suddenly, one of those stars crossed the sky with a flash of light. "Did you see that ?!" I shouted at anyone in particular, and then quickly I got together to make a wish. I do not remember the wish, but I bet it was a good one. If you also want to make a wish, you will also want to know how to see the Orionids 2018 meteorite rain so you can create as many as you want.

Even if shooting stars are technically meteors burning through the atmosphere, it does not subject the magic a bit. In fact, by planning ahead and watching a meteor shower in action, you'll absorb as much magic as possible.

What is the meteor shower of Orionids?


The Orionids are a meteor shower that takes place every month of October. This year, the meteors will culminate from October 21st to 22nd. About 20 meteors will be visible on time, according to Like the meteor shower Eta Aquariids, which occurred in May, the meteors emanating from the Orionids are actually remnants of Halley's comet, according to These meteors are the particles that move away from the comet as it rotates around the Earth for 75 to 76 years. Thus, not only the Orionids are an opportunity to wish a star, but also an opportunity to wish a comet.

The Orionids draw their monk from the constellation from where they seem to travel, which is Orion (AKA The Hunter), as reported by

How to see the meteor shower of Orionids?


Although the increasing gibbous moon masks much of the meteorite rain, you will still be able to spot more than a few shooting stars if you plan accordingly. According to, you should find the Orion constellation in the sky to know which direction the meteors are moving. However, Bill Cooke, NASA's meteorologist, advises you not to look directly at Orion because the closest meteors to the point of origin are more difficult to see.

That being said, you should head to a rural location, away from any awesome light pollution, and get ready for an evening of Orionids watching. advises you to start preparing for meteors around 1:30 am and wait about 20 minutes for your eyes to adjust to darkness.

Finally, you can lie down, watch the night sky and wait for meteors to bless your universe. According to, these meteors are sometimes so bright and so bright that they leave behind a trail of glowing light that waits a moment after the meteor burst. However, also reports that the Orionids are among the fastest meteors, reaching speeds of up to 148,000 km / h. You must therefore be particularly vigilant against the shooting stars that cross your vision. For this reason, also advises against the use of binoculars or a telescope to observe the meteor shower, as they will move far too fast for these devices to see them.

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