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You may have heard of ADHD as a joke about a nervous colleague who is "hyper" or a distracted friend "having ADD". You may have even heard of the debate about the number of children taking Ritalin or other ADHD medications. RELATED: The number of young women using ADHD medicine has increased by 700 percent, says the CDC

A strict medical definition can help parents understand what their child is facing, and also make the difference between ADHD real and ADHD. a child (or adult) who is energetic, impatient or who has ADD without the "H", which is the hyperactive component.

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, a government organization, the initials ADHD mean "attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder, a brain disorder marked by an inattention pattern and / or hyperactivity-impulsivity that interferes with functioning or development. "

  • Inattention is characterized by a wandering task. A person who shows inattention "lack of persistence, has difficulty staying focused and is disorganized," noted NIMH, "and these problems are not due to lack of understanding or challenge."
  • Hyperactivity is identified as a person seems to be moving constantly, or excessively stirs, patches, or speaks, according to NIMH. "In adults, it can be an extreme agitation or extortion with constant activity."
  • Impulsivity involves a person who makes hasty gestures without thinking about it first, especially if the actions are potentially harmful. Another characteristic of impulsivity is a desire for immediate rewards or an inability to delay gratification, said NIMH

"RELATED: A New Treatment for ADHD Could Involve Video Games

Who's Who at risk?

NIMH, the leading federal mental health research agency, admitted that scientists do not fully understand what causes ADHD. They identified many factors that contribute to the chances of having ADHD, including the following:

  • Genes, which means that some aspects of ADHD can be attributed to inherited traits
  • A mother who smoked cigarettes or consumed alcohol or certain drugs during pregnancy
  • Exposure of a fetus to environmental toxins during pregnancy
  • Exposure to environmental toxins, such as high levels of lead, at a young age
  • Low birth weight
  • Brain injury

NIMH also noted that ADHD is more common in men than in women, while women with ADHD are more likely to be diagnosed with ADHD. have problems of inattention.

Common disorders are learning disorders, anxiety disorders, behavioral disorders, depression and substance abuse. 19659019] How to tell if your child has ADHD

Most children potentially suffering from ADHD end up undergoing assessment shortly after entering primary school, because the ability to concentrate, to following the guidelines and controlling behaviors becomes a real obstacle to success in a structured setting, according to Parenting, com. But the age range for diagnosis can include children as young as 4 and up to 18 years old.

Parenting listed symptoms of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual IV of the American Psychiatric Association, (DSM IV), the criteria that a doctor would use to diagnose your child. He noted that for the list behaviors "to really be seen as signs of ADHD, they must last six months, be more severe than in other children of the same age – ie. That they cause significant problems in school, at home and / or in social circles – and some symptoms should have been present before your child reaches the age of 7 years. "

To be diagnosed with an ADHD / inattentive type, a child would have presented at least six of these nine symptoms At least six months:

  1. Not paying attention to details, making mistakes in #attention
  2. Often has trouble keeping attention on tasks
  3. Often does not seem to listen when spoken to him directly
  4. Often does not follow (19659012) often has trouble organizing activities
  5. Often he avoids or dislikes things that require a lot of mental effort for a long period of time 19659012] Often loses things is often easily distracted
  6. Is often distracted in daily activities

To be diagnosed with ADHD / hyperactive-impulsive type, a child would have presented at least six of these nine symptoms for at least six months ::

  1. Often waved with the hands and feet or squirms nt
  2. Often stands up from siege
  3. Often turns excessively or climbs when not necessary
  4. Often has trouble playing or doing leisurely activities
  5. Is on the road as if driven by a motor
  6. Often speaks excessively
  7. Often lets out answers before the questions are over
  8. Often has trouble waiting for his turn
  9. Often interrupts or encroaches on

Alleviating ADHD

Regardless of how ADHD develops in a child or adult, anyone diagnosed will need counseling and understanding from parents, families, and teachers to reach their full potential. to succeed, according to the NIMH. "For school-aged children, frustration, guilt and anger can be accumulated within a family before a child is diagnosed," he said. he noted. "Parents and children may need special help to overcome their negative feelings. Mental health professionals can educate parents about ADHD and how it affects a family. They will also help the child. and his parents to develop new skills, attitudes and relationships with each other. other ".

Most children undergo an ADHD test shortly after entering elementary school because their inability to concentrate, follow directions and control their behavior becomes a real barrier to success in this area. structured context. However, in 2011, the American Academy of Pediatrics expanded the age range of diagnostic guidelines to include children as young as 4 and up to 18 years old.

ADHD has three subtypes; predominantly hyperactive-impulsive, mainly inattentive, and hyperactive-impulsive and inattentive combined. This means that your child can have all the symptoms in one or more categories.

The symptoms listed below come from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual IV of the American Psychiatric Association (DSM IV) and are the criteria that a doctor would use to diagnose your child. However, because living and breathable children are more than a set of lists in a diagnostic manual, we will also give some examples of how these behaviors can unfold in real life.

For the behaviors below to be truly considered ADHD, they must last six months, be more severe than in other children of the same age – that is to say, cause significant problems to the child. 39, school, at home and / or in society – and some symptoms should have been present before child 7 years old.

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