How to watch the Draconid 2018 meteor showers tonight


Good news for amateur observers and Slytherins: The annual Draconid meteor shower will be visible tonight when the Earth will pass through a stream of dust from Comet 21P / Giacobini-Zinner, which will break loose with a meteor shower constellation of Draco.

The best viewing will be tonight (Monday, October 8 evening), especially for sky observers in New England and the Canadian Maritime Provinces. contains plenty of information about the original story of draconids and poets' opinion about showers ("The poets among us would like to think of these as" tears of dragon "or as his blast"), but here's what you need to watch the draconids tonight: nothing special!

In fact, you do not even need to stay up late or get up early to see them in action, making it the perfect observation for the school night. This is because, unlike most meteor showers (Perseids), Draconids are at their best in the evening. So you do not have to drag yourself around at 2 in the morning to watch a meteor shower, only to make you forget the clouds.

Tonight, as soon as night falls, go out with your lawn chair, look to the northwest sky and try to find the Draco constellation. It will be very high in the sky when the night falls, lowering all night and finally getting closer to the horizon at dawn. If you can not find it, do not worry: the meteors can appear anywhere.

Be warned however: experts from the American Meteor Society said that they had concluded that "nothing exceptional would happen" during the draconian shower, but they noted with optimism that "no one Is 100% safe, "so if the sky is clear, just go outside, settle in and watch the sky fall.

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