How will Harry and Meghan raise their children? They would have been inspired by Princess Diana


Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are really preparing for their role as parents. Even though Meghan will not deliver until the spring of 2019, she and Harry apparently discuss how they plan to raise their future children. So how will Harry and Meghan raise their children? Well, apparently, Princess Diana, Harry's mother, will have a big influence on the choice to raise their kids. At least according to a new report from Entertainment Tonight. Elite Daily has gone to Kensington Palace for comments on the report, but has not received a response at the time of publication.

According to ET's report, a source close to Harry and Meghan revealed that the couple wanted to raise children with a keen sense of the humanitarian, somewhat in the same vein as Harry's education with his mother .

"Meghan and Harry, who want to use their platform and profile to promote their humanitarian and charitable interests, want to pass these same values ​​to their children," the ET source said.

The source also revealed that Meghan's mother, Doria Ragland, would play an important role in their growing family.

"They plan to spend a lot of time in their Cotswolds home and [Meghan’s mom] Doria [Ragland] will play a leading role in their family as children's grandmother, "said the source.

So the mothers and the roles they play seem to be very important to Harry and Meghan. And it's great to hear that they will honor their own mother in one way or another when it comes to raising their children.

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Mothers aside, what else does Harry and Meghan intend to teach their kids? The Duke and Duchess of Sussex hope to raise their children with a solid understanding of the real world, which means that they will have a job and do all that ordinary and non-royal people do.

The source explained:[Harry and Meghan’s] children are expected to one day be in regular employment and will be raised to appreciate the differences that exist in society. They will have a healthy respect for the borders like other children. They will have household chores at home and will be raised with respect.

But all this is far away, because Meghan is no longer due for months. Meanwhile, the royal family is preparing for the holidays. Christmas, which is an important holiday for the royal family, could be a little different this year since Meghan's mother should receive an invitation from the queen.

"Doria's quiet dignity and grace at the royal wedding earned her the tremendous respect of Meghan's new in-laws," a source told ET on Monday.

According to Sunday Express, the queen violated the protocol by inviting Ragland to the Christmas parties of the royal family. And on top of that, the queen would have tried to show Meghan that she was welcome to the family in a country where she did not have one.

"It's a mark of Queen's respect for Meghan and a recognition that she has no other relationship in this country – unlike Kate who has the support of a very close family," said a source Sunday Express.

So, Meghan's role in the royal family is radically changing the way they work and I'm sure there are other changes underway with the arrival of the new baby!

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