How will Season 2 "Iron Fist" connect to "Infinity War"? Marvel TV series have a history of film ignorance


"I do not feel so good …" While the last line of Peter Parker has become a popular reference since the release of the third The Avengers movie, do not expect someone to say it when the next Marvel Netflix series will be launched. How will be Iron fist Season 2 connects to War of infinity? Unfortunately, despite the fact that they all exist in the same continuity, the streaming service has always ignored the giant screens of the Marvel Cinematic Universe – especially with regard to the significant events in Thanos. break!

There is no indication of the devastating effects of the "Snapture" in the Iron fist The trailers for Season 2, the new episodes seemingly unfold in a New York City, spared by Thanos, in which half of the population has decidedly do not dissolved in piles of ashes. Assuming it is not misleading advertising, the second release of the kung fu action series would not be Marvel's first TV show to ignore the events of War of infinity.

ABC & # 39; s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. – who was finishing his fifth season when War of infinity was released – and Freeform Cape and dagger – who had his first series a month later – both decided to work around the cliché issue. Iron fistthe brother of Netflix Luke Cage unknown War of infinity earlier this summer; and even a feature film Ant-Man And The Wasp largely bypassed the problem by establishing his main plot before the cataclysmic events of the recent The Avengers movie.

This same tactic is what Netflix uses to move its Marvel series away from War of infinitythe end altering the universe. "Most of the time, our stories will take place BEFORE Thanos clicks," Marvel TV director Jeph Loeb said in a Reddit AMA in June. "A lot of that has to do with the production and when we tell our stories against when the movies come out, so hang in there."

Loeb did not just blow hot air either; according to Digital Spy, Iron fist Season 2 began shooting in December 2017, four months before the world discovered the "Snapture". There was probably not enough time to incorporate this twist into the plot of Iron fist by the time the filming was completed in May (as revealed on Instagram by star Finn Jones), just two weeks after War of infinitythe first.

For those who are disappointed with Netflix's manipulation of the timeline to avoid the consequences of War of infinityPerhaps patience could be the best virtue. Loeb fact to say to "stay there". With a little more time in their production schedules, other Netflix Marvel lounges may begin to incorporate the snap into their scenarios in the future.

Linda Kallerus / Netflix

"It depends on the show," Loeb told Bustle at Luke Cage Season 2 previewed in New York last June. "I can not give you a general statement. Luke Cage takes place before the famous cliché – and part of that had to do with the fact that we were shooting [the second season] before the release of the film. "(The same thing applies to Iron fist Season 2.) "Obviously we can not tell the end of the story before we get there." But Loeb had words of hope. "We try all our things …" he teased. "There could be, in the future, more opportunities for this to happen."

Who knows? Maybe Loeb is hiding a huge twist: maybe the final of Iron fist Season 2 will make up for Season 2, ending with Danny Rand turning into a pile of dirt, much to the delight of the critics of the series.

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