HPV vaccination rates continue to decline in the United States


Category: Infections | Oncology | Pediatrics | New

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Last updated: November 06, 2018.

TUESDAY, Nov. 6, 2018 (HealthDay News) – HPV vaccination rates are still too low to reduce cervical cancer cases as much as possible in the United States, warns a new report.

While vaccination against HPV (human papillomavirus) has increased in recent years, rates remain well below the government's goal for healthy people in 2020, according to which 80% of teens are infected with HPV. Eligible ages are eligible, according to the latest report.

"We have a safe and effective vaccine that protects against a carcinogenic virus, and we applaud the efforts of cancer and immunization leaders who are joining forces and rising to the challenge of speeding up the adoption." of HPV vaccine, "said Barbara Rimer, president of the president of Cancer & # 39; s Panel Chair, who produced the report.

"However, the fact remains that this vaccine remains severely underused – we still miss opportunities to prevent cancer and save lives," she added in a press release.

According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, boys and girls aged 11 or 12 should receive two injections of the HPV vaccine at intervals of 12 to 12 months. Those who receive their two injections less than five months apart need a third dose of HPV vaccine, added the agency.

While the percentage of children who started the HPV vaccine series has increased on average by 5% per year between 2013 and 2017, less than half of adolescents were fully immunized as of 2017.

The new report suggests several ways to increase HPV vaccination rates. These include: increasing the acceptance of parents to vaccination; improve access to vaccination; reduce missed opportunities at medical appointments to recommend and administer the vaccine; and promote the use of the vaccine worldwide.

HPV is a widespread virus, with about 14 million people in the United States – including teens – infected each year, according to the CDC.

Among infected Americans, the virus causes 33,700 cancers in men and women, but vaccination can prevent most cancers (about 31,200) from developing, the CDC said.

HPV infection can cause cancers of the cervix of the uterus, vagina and vulva in women; penile cancers in humans; and
cancers of the anus and throat, including the tongue and tonsils, in women and men.

More information

US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have more about HPV vaccination.

SOURCE: President of the President's Committee on Cancer, press release, November 1, 2018

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