Hue Jackson says "without a doubt" that he has the full support of Haslams and General Manager John Dorsey


CLEVELAND, Ohio – Hue Jackson, who lost to the Bucs 26 to 23-1 in overtime against the 26-23 Browns, said he enjoyed full support from homeowners Jimmy and Dee Haslam and general manager John Dorsey .

"No doubt, no doubt, no, no questions," he said.

Its reason to be so confident despite the fact that the Browns have dropped to 2-4-1 after their fourth game in overtime in seven games?

"Conversations," he said. "Conversations."

He said that he met Dorsey "all the time" on Mondays after the games. The defeat brought them back to 1-2-1 in overtime and it was their 24th consecutive loss on the road.

The nature of their discussions after such a loss? The Browns led 16-2 at the half and 23-9 in the fourth quarter before equalizing him at 23, while he remained 2:28 in the fourth quarter. They then lost on a 59-yard pitch with a time remaining at 1 minute 50 after Jabrill Peppers missed the goal.

"Am I supposed to tell you all that?" He asked with a laugh. "I know you'd like to have it, I think we have to keep that in-house – it's between me and John."

The Browns, offensively challenged and Jackson committed to getting more involved, are now tasked to face the 3-2-1 Steelers on the road who are retiring and the 6-1 home Chiefs. .

"I have always exerted extra pressure to win now," he said. "I think all we have tried to do is win now, our players and our coaches are doing everything they can to win every game we play, that's why you play." Nothing more, nothing less than that, I do not feel any extra pressure from, "God, you better win or whatever." I've never felt that since that I am here.

"I'm trying to do the best job possible with the staff and the players, and we have to find a way to win games – it's the very nature of the business."
He added that Dorsey had consulted him before handing Carlos Hyde to the Jaguars for a fifth-round pick in 2019 and that he was in the game.

"Yes, absolutely," he said. "It's an organizational decision we've made." John and I discussed it, discussed all possible ways and made the decision that best suited the organization.

He admitted that trading a player against a player was not easy, especially when he was your best fighter. Many Browns players have expressed dismay on Twitter.

"The way things went – what were Jacksonville's needs, what were they willing to do for us, our list, the players we had at this position – you know how things are going, he said. "to take or leave, we felt very good in the situation we were in. I do not think there was anything wrong with that."

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