Humans could reach "electronic immortality" by 2050 and attend our own funerals, futuristic claims


In the coming decades, humanity could reach a kind of immortality by merging our minds with machines, according to a prominent futurist

It could mean that we live through androids even after However, according to Dr. Ian Pearson, this could also mean that you no longer have your mind.

The expert warns against a change of mentality. towards electronic immortality will require careful planning – otherwise, our brains connected to the cloud could be used for purposes beyond our control.

In a new post, Dr. Pearson says that human intelligence, memory or senses could be connected by 2050.

Rather than creating a saved copy of your mind, the most of your intelligence would be simply running from somewhere outside your physical brain.

It is not downloaded, it simply grows in new platform seamlessly and as f Pearson writes, "One day your body dies and with it your brain stops. but no big problem, because 99% of your mind is still in working order. luckily on IT, in the clouds.

– Assuming you are well enough and well prepared, you connect to an android to use your body from now on, attend your burial, and continue as before, still you, just with [19659002] As this would require the use of an Android space and cloud purchased or rented ultimately belonging to a technology company, the expert said we might encounter problems with the fine print.

According to Apple companies should be enslaved to "enslave" workers after their death by holding the ownership of the spirit for their benefit

"Perhaps the cloud company could replicate and make variations to respond to a" written Pearson. "

"Maybe they can use your mind as the UX on a new range of home help robots." Every time you think that they were a once-in-a-lifetime , everyone thinks that they are now reduced to slavery to work for free for a technology company. "

A similar plan could take place in the company's medical plans, or even in the

It all boils down to planning.

"Do it right, and you can live in a luxury cyber-paradise, immerse yourself in the real world as much as you want and live in unimaginable bliss. Online, 'According to Pearson.

' Have too many occasional tasting sessions, use too much social sharing minded, sign up for employment arrangements or do corporate foolishness without completely studying the fine print and you will not to remain immortal, incapable to die, to remain forever as a simple enterprise good, a simple slave. "

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