Humans know what happens within minutes of death, study says


Scientists have found evidence suggesting that the human brain is still functioning for a short time after death, which means people know when they are dead.

The researchers discovered this finding by examining cases of cardiac arrest in Europe and the United States.

What they learned was that the resurrected people could describe what had happened, including conversations between doctors and nurses once their hearts stopped beating.

Dr. Sam Parnia, who led the research, explained:

They will describe having watched the doctors and nurses working, they will be aware of being aware of entire conversations, visual events in progress, which otherwise would not be known to them.

he [the time a patient is declared dead] is based on the moment when the heart stops. Technically, that's how you get the moment of death.

When the heart stops beating, the blood stops circulating in the brain and starts to go out.

But this process can take hours, leaving a window of time where a person is officially dead and always aware of what is going on around them.

The research team at Stony Brook Medical School in New York hopes their work will help improve the treatment of cardiac arrest and prevent brain damage during resuscitation.

Dr. Parnia added:

At the same time, we are also studying the human mind and conscience in the context of death, in order to understand whether the consciousness is annihilated or whether it continues after your death for a certain period of time – and how that relates to it. happens in the brain. in real time.

The question of what happens when we die is still one of the greatest mysteries of life, but research shows that there is a form of life after death.

HT: UniLad

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