Hundreds of "Flat Earth" believers gather at the Denver Conference


The shape of the Earth is a spheroid, right? A YouGov study conducted this year indicates that a third of 18-24 year olds are not sure that our planet is round.

"If you believe that we live on a globe, I know you are deceived."

Welcome to the Flat Earth International Conference.

"NASA obviously lied to us on many occasions," said conference participant Wendell.

Most of those gathered at the conference in Denver, Colorado, believe that Americans live on a lie. Believers in the Flat Earth believe that the images of the Earth are wrong and astronauts are actors.

Social media sites such as YouTube have made the flat earth theory more accessible in recent years. Some of these accounts have tens of thousands of followers.

"If you trust your senses, you see things different from what you're fed," said Debra Auden, who traveled from Texas to the conference.

Mr. Ka Chun Yu, curator of space science at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science, said that he was really surprised to learn the number of its inhabitants.

"We have known for more than 2,000 years that the Earth is more or less a sphere, a ball or a round shape.

"So it was that the Greeks knew that the earth was round, they understood that if you had sticks in the ground and that you could measure their shadows on the same day, their length would actually be different," says the Dr. Yu.

But for simple men, scientific facts are a fiction. Believers in the Flat Earth say that a wall of ice keeps us from falling off the surface.

So why do earthlings believe there is such a lie around a round Earth? Some say conspiracy, others turn to God.

"You may not be convinced, but I encourage you to visit your local science museum or planetarium," said Dr. Yu.

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