Hundreds of Migrants Storm Fences to Enter Spanish Enclave in Africa


MADRID – Hundreds of migrants stormed border fences separating Spain's North African enclave of Ceuta from Morocco on a journey to reach Europe, the police said Thursday.

Spain's Civil Guard said 602 migrants made it onto Spanish soil in a massive assault on the high, barbed-wire fences shortly after dawn.

Migrants cut holes in the fences and threw feces and quicklime, a skin irritant, at police officers trying to hold them back, the Civil Guard said in a statement. [19659002] The police said 16 migrants and five police officers were hospitalized.

Sub-Saharan Africans living illegally in Morocco trying to reach Europe by Ceuta and Melilla, Spain's other North African enclave . Those who make it across the board for temporary migrant accommodation centers.

Thursday, assault added to pressure on the Mediterranean Sea of ​​a recent wave of migration (19659002) The International Organization for Migration says so far this year more than 22,700 migrants have arrived in Spain Spain's Maritime Rescue Service said it picked up 332 people in the Mediterranean on Thursday.

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