Hundreds of missing in Laos after the collapse of the hydroelectric dam


Hundreds of people are missing and an unknown number died after the collapse of a hydroelectric dam under construction in southeastern Laos, the official press reported on Tuesday

Communist Laos is crossed by a vast network of rivers. The Laos office announced Monday that the accident occurred Monday in a hydroelectric dam in Sanamxay district, in the southeastern province of Attapeu, where he was released five times per year. billion cubic meters of water – more than two million Olympic pools.

The report added that there were "several claimed human lives, and several hundred missing persons".

Several houses in the southern part of the district was also swept, according to the report, and provincial authorities issued a call for emergency assistance to flood victims

. Xe Pian's project based in Vientiane Xe Namnoy Power Company, or PNPC, a joint venture formed in 2012.

Among the companies involved in the project according to the Laos News Agency include the Ratchaburi Electricity Holding, the South Korea The 410 – megawatt dam was supposed to start its commercial activities by 2019, according to the company 's website.

The project consists of a series of dams on the Houay Makchanh, the Xe-Namnoy and Xe-Pian rivers in the neighboring province of Champasack

It planned to export 90 percent of its electricity to Thailand eager for energy and the remaining amount was to be offered on the local network

. According to construction terms, PNPC stated that it would operate and manage the power project for 27 years after the start of commercial operations.

When he was contacted by telephone in Vientiane, capital of Laos, an official told AFP: ave all the official reports about it at the moment. We collect information.

Dam projects, which mainly provide electricity to neighboring countries, have long been controversial as they often displace large numbers of local people.

The Xayaburi Hydropower Project, led by the Thai group CH Karnchang. a 1,285 megawatt dam – which will cost $ 3.5 billion according to state media – is at the heart of Laos' project to become "the battery of Southeast Asia".

But it sharply divides several Mekong nations who fear Six Vietnamese workers were killed when a gas bottle exploded on the construction site of a hydroelectric power plant in central Laos last July

] Map of Laos locating the collapse of a dam

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