Hundreds of people rejoice in the return of sturgeon in the Maumee River


The lake sturgeon, with its rows of bony plates protruding from its smooth, rubbery coating, swam alone in small buckets of fresh water, each isolated.

Unbeknownst to them, they were about to be introduced into a whole new world.

On Saturday afternoon, people toppled a bucket containing one of the fish on the wharf dock at the Toledo City Waterfront near Wallbridge Park, thus releasing the fish into the river Maumee. As soon as their little body touched the water, the sturgeon disappeared into the darkness.

Hundreds of participants applauded and celebrated the reintroduction of the lake sturgeon in the Maumee River – a return to the country that many believe was long overdue.

Throughout the day, the authorities were waiting for the release of 3,000 juvenile sturgeons in the water. The excitement was palpable, as people came en masse to learn about this prehistoric fish that populated Lake Erie in large numbers in the 19th century.

"Welcome to the real Jurassic Park," said Carol Contrada, Lucas County Commissioner. "… We are here to celebrate the reintroduction of a living but threatened ancient species in Lake Erie.

"For me, this is even more exciting than a fictionalized version of our intense interest in the fabulous creatures that originated in the planet Earth's origin. The massive extinction of the dinosaurs was a cataclysmic environmental event, but the lake sturgeon's near-extinction was caused by humans, "she said.

Several factors have contributed to the loss of lake sturgeon, including commercial overexploitation, habitat loss and degradation, and the construction of dams on tributaries, limiting their access to suitable spawning grounds, according to the report. US Fish and Wildlife Service.

The state of Ohio classifies Lake Sturgeon as an endangered species and, if caught, must be returned to the water immediately.

Sandy Bihn, executive director of Lake Erie Waterkeeper, at the origin of the project, said she hoped that Saturday's event would enrich the population's appreciation on the Maumee River.

"The Maumee River in Toledo is not very popular for a long time," she said. "For many of us, the goal was to make the public understand the value of the river for the reintroduction of sturgeons and native fish. We hope people will understand the size and productivity of this river. "

The goal is to restore the Maumee River as a spawning site for lake sturgeon. The largest fish in the Great Lakes region can live more than 100 years and reach a height of 11 feet and a weight of 300 pounds.

They usually spend their first years in a river system, then ripen in the open waters of the lake before returning to their natal stream to spawn. Jessica Collier, who earned her PhD in Ecology from the University of Toledo, was largely responsible for discovering that the Maumee River was a place of residence for sturgeon.

"We do not want to put the fish back in the river if the river can not support them," she said.

She studied the river to make sure there was an ecosystem to support younger fish and breeding habitat for adult fish.

"I've looked at some features of the river and whether they fit the needs of sturgeon to survive."

Hundreds of people were lining up waiting for a chance to release a sturgeon in the river. Patrick Harte, of Perrysburg, said that he and his wife had come to the event especially so that their three children could release a fish in the water.

"This one is obsessed with fishing," said Harte, pointing to his 8-year-old son.

As Mr. Harte's three children made their way to the wharf, preparing to empty their buckets and release a sturgeon, they began discussing the names of their fish.



His 5 year old son finally decided to name his fish "Lucky".

Then the time has come.

He stepped on the dock, took a knee, tipped his bucket and released Lucky.

"Bye, lucky," he said, emitting a soft wave as he sent his fish into his new life at Maumee.

Contact Javonte Anderson at [email protected], 419-724-6065 or on Twitter @JavonteA.

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