Hundreds of people who went to the restaurant at risk of contracting hepatitis A | North Carolina News


CHARLOTTE, NC (AP) – According to officials, at least 150 people who have been to a restaurant in North Carolina are at risk of contracting hepatitis A.

At the press conference on Thursday, Gibbie Harris, Mecklenburg County Health Director, said those who ate or drank at Village Tavern in the SouthPark area of ​​Charlotte on October 30 should be vaccinated on Tuesday. . Officials learned Wednesday that an employee of a restaurant went to a hospital with symptoms of liver disease.

According to media reports, Mecklenburg County has recorded 24 cases of hepatitis A confirmed this year and four in 2017. They reported last week that the Department of Health and Human Services had confirmed the first death related to the disease. Hepatitis A epidemic occurred last month.

Village Tavern said in a statement that the authorities did not know anyone infected by the employee.

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