Hurricane Florence pushed attractive blue jellyfish to New Jersey – BGR


If you're looking for colorful marine creatures, the first place you'll think about will probably not be near New Jersey. Hurricane Florence, which recently swept over the US east coast, seems to have changed it a bit, and the recent sighting of a "blue jellyfish" on the shores of Beach Haven, New Jersey , was a real treat for scientists.

In a report from a local CBS affiliate, Suzanne Schenker, a resident of New Jersey, explains how she and her two dogs stumbled upon a rare jellyfish while they were walking on the beach. The creation was so strange that she decided to search for answers on Facebook.

She posted her own picture of the creation to a group called New Jersey Jellyspotters. The group was able to help identify the creature as a blue-button jellyfish, and that's when the scientists noticed.

As CBS New York reports, Paul Bologna, local jellyfish expert, said it was rare to see such a tropical jelly as far north. In fact, Bologna – nicknamed "Professor Jellyfish" – says it's the first time he's seen this species in New Jersey.

So how did he get so far north? It is believed that the creature was driven from its tropical home by the intense forces of Hurricane Florence, riding the hot current for many miles before ending up on the shores of New Jersey.

The blue jellyfish is not particularly troublesome for humans, and although it can produce a benign sting, it is certainly not something that should be of concern to beach lovers. However, this may not be the only tropical creature hitchhiking with Florence, and experts ask the public to be vigilant about other foreign jellyfish that could cause much more pain.

Source of the image: Suzanne Schenker

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