Hurricane Florence: The Washington Post states that Trump is "complicit" in a dangerous storm


The Washington Post editorial board said President Trump was "complicit" in hurricane Florence because of his views on climate change.

The massive storm has not yet landed, but the Post posted a column Wednesday titled "Another hurricane is about to hit our coast. Trump is an accomplice.

The piece also notes that Trump gave "good advice" by issuing hurricane warnings via his Twitter feed before he launched an attack on the president.

"When it comes to extreme weather, Mr. Trump is complicit. It minimizes the role of humans in increasing risk and continues to dismantle efforts to address these risks. It is difficult to attribute a single weather event to climate change. But there is no reasonable doubt that humans are preparing Earth's systems to produce disasters, "writes the editorial board.

Billionaire Jeff Bezos' newspaper quotes a climate researcher who said previous hurricanes would not have produced so much rain without "man-made climate change" and Florence is another indication of global warming.

"With disappointing timing, the Trump administration announced Tuesday a plan to roll back federal rules on methane, a potent greenhouse gas that is the main component of natural gas. Drillers and fuel carriers were supposed to pay more attention to the fact that they are spreading in the atmosphere, which is nothing more than the waste of resources that harms the environment, "writes the committee. writing of the post office. "The Trump administration has now attacked the three pillars of President Barack Obama's climate change plan."

The piece concludes, "The president has made the legacy of the GOP an element of denial of reaction and reality. Unfortunately, few members of his party seem to care.

Conservative strategist Chris Barron told Fox News that mainstream media "are finding new ways to embarrass and further erode American confidence in them."

"The media will not give Trump credit for the economy, but they will blame him for a hurricane. You can not do that.

– Conservative strategist Chris Barron

"This column is so absurd that it should come from The Onion and not from the Washington Post. To the extent that climate change is occurring, it is a global phenomenon that has been happening for decades and decades, "said Barron. "The media will not give Trump credit for the economy, but they will blame him for a hurricane. You can not do that.

The Category 4 hurricane remains strong as it continues its approach to the mid-Atlantic region with maximum winds of 130 km / h, the National Hurricane Center said in its 8 hours. Florence was 530 miles southeast of Cape Fear, North Carolina, and was moving west-northwest at 17 mph.

According to Fox News senior meteorologist Janice Dean, Florence could stop by reaching the coast of Carolina and make a slight shift south once it reaches the coast, becoming a "major flood event".

"Hurricane Florence will probably be another tragedy that will affect millions of Americans and it is disgusting when the media will try to exploit it to attack the president.

– The media columnist Joseph Wulfsohn

In addition to the hurricane force winds that blew on Friday, Florence could cause a storm surge of more than six feet in some parts of the coast, including up to 13 feet from Cape Fear north of Cape Lookout.

"Hurricane Florence will probably be another tragedy that will affect millions of Americans and it's disgusting when the media will try to exploit it to attack the president," Fox News told Reuters. media columnist Joseph Wulfsohn.

On Wednesday morning, President Trump urged residents to refuse to evacuate coastal cities, saying Florence was "bigger than expected."

"Hurricane Florence looks bigger than expected," tweeted Trump. "He will arrive soon. FEMA, First Responders and Law Enforcement are provided and ready. Be careful!"

Trump also released a video urging residents of the affected areas to "go out of their way".

On Tuesday, the Washington Post released another anti-Trump piece from MSNBC presenter, Joe Scarborough, who wrote that "Trump harms America's dream more than a foreign opponent would."

The name "Morning Joe" has been criticized for tweeting that "Trump more damages America's dream than any terrorist attack" to promote the column, published on the occasion of the 17th anniversary attacks of September 11, 2001. killed nearly 3000 people.

Lucia I. Suarez Sang of Fox News contributed to this report.

Brian Flood covers the media for Fox News. Follow him on Twitter at @briansflood.

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