Hyderabad will have the largest Qualcomm campus after the United States | Hyderabad News


HYDERABAD: After American companies like Google, Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Uber, it's now the turn of semiconductors and the huge telecommunications giant Qualcomm to call Hyderabad.

Qualcomm will invest $ 400 million (Rs 3 trillion) in the construction of its largest campus outside the headquarters in San Diego, United States, in Hyderabad, as part of a major investment in A reputable company after the creation of Telangana. Rama Rao's office said Saturday.

The semiconductor and telecommunications giant, which is already present in India through its centers in Hyderabad, Bengaluru and Chennai, is expected to begin work on its campus in Hyderabad in 2019.

The first phase of the project is expected to include 1.7 million cubic meters of built space hosting about 10,000 employees, KTR said after a meeting with senior executives at Qualcomm.

Qualcomm, which began operations in Hyderabad in 2004, currently employs approximately 4,000 people in the city and occupies several floors in six rented buildings.

Qualifying the investment in Qualcomm as a major asset for Telangana and its semiconductor and electronics sector, KTR said: "By installing its mega campus in Hyderabad and its largest in the world after its headquarters in San Diego, Qualcomm now joins the list of their largest presence in the world outside their headquarters in Hyderabad. We have Apple, Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Facebook and now Qualcomm. This list will only increase, as we are actively working with a few others. This is indeed a major asset for Telangana, the electronics and semiconductor industry and the ecosystem of operators, equipment manufacturers, regulators, startups and R & D engineers. "

"$ 400 Million Investment for Hyd Campus"

Qualcomm vice-president Shashi Reddy and operations director Chandra Shekar Kumili, director of operations at Qualcomm, told the minister that Qualcomm's $ 400 million investment will be the largest in the world.

"Qualcomm officials said the company is playing a key role in the wireless revolution by making mobile communications more accessible and affordable. This Qualcomm facility will be its largest campus in the world, after its headquarters in San Diego, and Qualcomm's $ 400 million investment in Hyderabad will be the largest in the world. Qualcomm is the world leader in 5G and it is planning a next big change in cellular technology, which will usher in a new era of smart and connected devices, as well as new opportunities in connected cars, the remote provision of services health and IoT, "the statement said.

Qualcomm, which achieved a turnover of more than $ 22 billion in 2017, has offices, R & D and development centers around the world at several locations in the United States, India, in Israel, Singapore, China and Western Europe.

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