HyunA and E & # 39; Dawn kicked out of Cube Entertainment for love


E'Dawn and HyunA have been expelled from their agency (Photo: Instagram)

K-pop singers HyunA and K-pop pop band member of Pentagon E'Dawn were kicked out of their own agency in a move that angered many fans.

Cube Entertainment announced today that it has decided to expel E'Dawn and HyunA for "breaking faith and trust" by revealing that they were in a relationship.

Cube Entertainment has officially decided to bring our artists HyunA and E'Dawn out of the label. We have done our best to work with our artists in etiquette in the management of artists through loyalty and trust in our relationships " the company said in a statement.

"After much discussion, it was with great pain that we came to the conclusion that it will be difficult for us to rebuild the broken loyalty and trust between these two artists, HyunA and E'Dawn; as a result, we made the decision to release them from our label. "

HyunA, E'Dawn and Cube tended on Twitter because of shocking news.

The saga began in early August when it was reported that HyunA and E'Dawn were in a relationship.

Cube Entertainment denied it but HyunA confirmed that they were in love in an Instagram message August 3rd.

HyunA and E'Dawn are part of the Triple H project group with Hui from the Pentagon. The trio was promoting the new song Retro Future at the beginning of the drama. Their last performance took place on August 4th on KBS Music Bank.

The couple told Yonhap News that "we have been dating for two years and we have become close after E'Dawn joined HyunA's performance in 2015.

More: K-Pop

"We know that this would translate into some kind of labeling, but we thought it would be difficult to look straight into the eyes of our fans (without being honest). So we decided to be honest with our fans of love and support and come on stage with confidence, "they said.

With its decision to fire the two singers, Cube Entertainment apparently gave in to requests from a number of Korean Pentagon fans who asked the company to remove E'Dawn from the group.

To support E'Dawn, foreign fans launched an online petition, which now has more than 89,000 signatures at the time of writing

The "fans" demand that E'Dawn be removed from the Pentagon. Sign this petition to make sure he stays in the Pentagon !! He does not deserve all this hate and he should not be treated like that. If E'Dawn is happy with Hyuna, then we should all be happy for them, "reads the petition.

After HyunA and E'Dawn recognized their relationship, Cube Entertainment decided to promote Triple H and canceled a fan signing event.

The company announced that E'Dawn would not participate in the Pentagon fan club event. August 11, as well as promotions in Japan.

At the end of last month, Cube announced that E'Dawn and Yan An would take a leave of the Pentagon, putting E'Dawn on an undefined hiatus. As a result, the Pentagon would promote with eight members.

E'Dawn wrote a letter to fans last week, explaining that before revealing her relationship with HyunA, "I often talked to my members about whether my choices were good or bad. Before any decision, I was scared and I did not know too much

"But since it was a choice I had made for myself, I thought it would be better to be honest than to continue to live a huge lie. That's why I decided to deal with everyone honestly, "he added.

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MORE: Pentagon's E'Dawn explains why he decided to reveal his relationship with HyunA in an open letter to fans

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