"I am able to compartmentalize it"


Donald Trump Jr. said he was not afraid of being incarcerated if the investigation of Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller in Russia revealed wrongdoing on his part.

President Donald Trump's son spoke to ABC Hello America on the consequences of the investigation on a possible collusion between his father's campaign with the Kremlin in the 2016 elections and the fact that he "would treat the problem as it happens".

Trump Jr. would be under investigation to find out if he had agreed to a meeting with a Kremlin-related lawyer in June 2016 to get "filthy" on rival candidate Hillary Clinton, which would violate federal law.

He claimed that no one else would have refused such a meeting and that he had not spoken to his father about it.

RTS1VGAF Donald Trump Jr. salutes as he arrives at the Newark Liberty International Airport in Newark, New Jersey on July 5th. He told ABC that he was not afraid to go to jail as a result of the Mueller campaign and Russia's investigation. REUTERS / Joshua Roberts

When asked if he was concerned about the prospect of a prison, Trump Jr. told the network, "I am not, because I know what I've done and I'm not worried about it. That does not mean that they will not try to create something, I mean we've seen it happen with everything but, you know, I repeat, it's not, "he said. .

He said the inquiry, which is part of a broader investigation into Russia's interference in the election, had made it "very difficult".

"At the same time, I think I can compartmentalize it, and in the end, I know what I did, and I do not do it at all because, you know, I do not know. I did not do anything in my opinion, otherwise would not do it, "he added.

Trump Jr. also told ABC News White House correspondent Tara Palmeri that there are now very few people in the White House who the president trusted after last week's edition. . The New York Times who said senior executives were actively working to thwart Trump's "worst inclinations".

"I think there are people he can trust but it's a much smaller group than I would like," Trump Jr. said.

Trump Jr. said, "It's really disgusting, it's really sad, maybe it's a disgruntled person who was kicked out because she did not do what she was supposed to do."

He said the opinion was "corrupting the will of the people" because it was an attempt "to try to control the presidency when it was not the president – millions and millions of Americans voted for it. "

Trump Jr.'s interview raised questions among commentators, with Chuck Todd asking the question on MSNBC. Meet the press why the president's son would agree to an interview in the midst of such a sensitive inquiry.

Todd asked, "What does Donald Trump Jr. [on] television? Saying that he initially thought that he was only answering some "screaming questions" from a journalist. "You're in the middle of a Mueller investigation, are you … really?" Todd said.

He said politically that no one would have thought it would be a good idea for Don Jr. to appear on ABC Hello America. "I'm just stunned. It's clear that no one is communicating in this Trump family, "said Todd.

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