"I have no crazy idea" If Donald Trump will serve his first term in the presidency


Journalist Bob Woodward discussed a number of topics related to his new book on President Donald Trump on Wednesday, including whether he could predict whether the Trump administration would last a single term.

Woodward was speaking at New York's 92nd Street Y to promote his latest piece, Fear: Trump inside the white house, and was invited by a member of the public to give ratings on the duration of the billionaire's first term.

"An illness as a journalist … where we want to talk about the future to a question you do not know," Woodward said. "And the future is really difficult. It's a fair question, but to be honest with you, I have no idea.

The comment was part of a number of remarks by Woodward, who also called for dismissing from journalism and the general public the fervent and emotional speech surrounding Trump and his administration.

The book contained accusations of great dysfunction of the Trump administration, including senior officials who mocked the intelligence and the ability of the president's administration as well as stories of auxiliaries keeping Trump documents to avoid a potential disaster.

Woodward referred to the controversial opinion written by a senior government official and published by The New York Times A week ago, the author claimed to be part of a "resistance" to the White House protecting the country from some potentially damaging impulsive decisions by Trump.

The veteran Washington Post The journalist and the editor reiterated his position that he would not have published the editorial but also answered a question about the author.

"Maybe it's Melania," Woodward joked, "or maybe that's someone who really knows Trump." I am not suggesting that seriously, I am just saying that it can be someone in the White House who is there and who is a witness. The most important element in describing what is really going on is having witnesses.

Woodard no idea wins president Bob Woodward's recently published book "Fear" is featured at Book Passage on September 11 in Corte Madera, California. Getty Images / Justin Sullivan

The answer to Trump's alleged attack on the truth, according to Woodward, is a vigorous report. But he urged those covering the administration not to focus on the special council's investigation to find out whether there was collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia or even the president's use of lies or lies . Instead, Woodward explained, "what does he do as president" should be eradicated and reported.

"I hate to say that because it's an analytical point but [Trump] does not often understand his own interest, "said Woodward.

Woodward also used Wednesday morning comments from one of President Eric's sons about how Woodward had written a sensationalized version of the Trump White House to "make three extra shekels …", which many considered anti-Semitic. .

"Technically, I'm not Jewish. The idea that everyone is talking like that, we should not have comments like this, "Woodward said. "It's a shame, but I think you can not overreact to it. I think you sort of have to say, "Ok, what does that mean? What did Eric Trump do? Who is he? Still many questions about this in the survey. So I am not worried and I think that it takes somehow the emotion expressed by someone else and have an emotional reaction that makes you lose your head.

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