"I have not had any conversations about your child with Pusha"


Kanye West tour of excuses keep on going. In a series of tweets published Wednesday morning, West tried to be forgiven with Drake for being involved in a "negative energy" aimed at the rap superstar. The call came after weeks of friction between the two rappers, who also involved the West label president, rapper Pusha T.

"Send energy and love to Drake, his family and his crew," West wrote early, before appreciating the design of Drake's tour with Migos, Aubrey and Three Amigos. "I did not see the show in person but the pictures are incredible online … I understand where the confusion started."

West then apologized to Drake for "making progress on your release date." In April, West announced he would go out his last album you in June. Meanwhile, Drake was also preparing the release of his most recent studio album, Scorpio, which was published on June 29th.

In a later tweet, West said he should have presented Drake on "Lift Yourself," a single he released on April 27, which was not featured on you.

"I should have given you the opportunity to do it together before taking it out," West wrote.

West also tackled the biggest problem between the two foes – the controversial feud between Drake and Pusha T, a long-time West associate. Specifically, West referred to the lyrics of Pusha T's recent song, "Infrared," produced by West himself. On the track that closes Pusha Daytona On the album, Pusha took a photo of well-known accusations that Drake uses ghost writers for his songs. Drake quickly responded with a piece of his own, called "Duppy Freestyle"In response to this, Pusha has triggered the already legendary follow-up"History of AdidonWho accused Drake of "hiding a child" to the public.

"There would have been no songs with my involvement that had a negative energy to you," said West.

West also said he had not listened to the pieces scattered by Pusha and Drake, but he was aware that Pusha had taken Drake's son into the group – a move that the West apparently does not approve of.

"I have not had any conversations about your child with Pusha. I do not play with children's idea of ​​people after talking to Wiz a few years ago, "he tweeted, referring to a previous Twitter war with rapper Wiz Khalifa in 2016, on a tweet . West Thought referenced his wife, Kim Kardashian West.

West End is a flood of messages sending more love to Pusha and Drake and promised to be in the crowd for one of Drake's upcoming tour dates.

"It's all Jedi level. I will come to your show in the next seven days to give love and be inspired by the art you have created.

All this follows another public apology from the west, in a recent radio interview, lamented his infamous remark that slavery was "a choice" and his decision to rub his Trump support to the faces of his fans. If West really wants to be forgiven and recover supporters, it will probably not be his last excuse for the year.

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