I tell the truth ‘when I can’


President Trump said he tells the truth “when I can.”

“Well, I try. I do try … and I always want to tell the truth. When I can, I tell the truth,” he told ABC News in an interview released Wednesday. “And sometimes it turns out to be where something happens that’s different or there’s a change, but I always like to be truthful.”

The president was asked about his comments that the US is the only country that grants birthright citizenship, despite the fact that 30 countries, including Canada and Mexico, do the same.

“That’s what I was told,” Trump said.

In the interview after a campaign rally Wednesday evening in Florida, Trump also suggested that the US military may play a wider role on the US border than just assisting National Guard members and other federal officials – even though they are not allowed to make arrests.

“Well it depends, it depends,” Trump said, noting that circumstances surrounding the caravan of Central American migrants heading to the US could change.

“National emergency covers a lot of territory. They can’t invade our country. You look at that it almost looks like an invasion. It’s almost does look like an invasion,” Trump said.

The president said he plans on boosting the number of active-duty troops on the border to as many as 15,000 – a force that would be roughly equivalent to the US deployment in Afghanistan.

Questioned about describing the caravan of migrants fleeing poverty and crime in Honduras and El Salvador, he said, “I think so.”

“When you look at some of them, when you look at some of the people in them, yeah, I think it can be considered an invasion. We can’t have it,” he said.

According to the Washington Post, Trump has made more than 5,000 false or misleading claims since he entered the White House in January 2017.

And in the run-up to next Tuesday’s midterm elections, he has been called out for saying that Democratic donor George Soros has been bankrolling the migrant caravan, even though there’s no evidence to support that claim.

At the White House last month, he promised that there was going to be a 10 percent tax reduction for middle-class Americans, which would require a vote in Congress.

But the House and Senate are out until after Nov. 6’s election.

And during the interview with ABC, Trump once again said Democrats will remove health coverage for pre-existing conditions – even though his administration has sued to end those protections.

“I want to replace pre-existing conditions and I’ve always been there. What the Democrats are going to do is destroy our entire health care and you’re not going to have any health care. You would destroy the country. You are not going to have health care,” Trump said in the interview. “The Democrats are going to literally – you’ll have to pay three times the taxes and they’ll destroy health care as we know it in this country. You won’t have pre-existing conditions. You wont have anything.”

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