Identity Crisis, IVF and Insecurity ::


This week's episode, "At Philadelphia Story," is centered around each Pearson trying to find their place in a post-Jack world.

The episode starts in the dark next Jack's death. Rebecca and the kids are trying to find a place to live.

Rebecca hears Jack's voice at every turn and expresses to Randall that it takes place in the morning. Randall finds out he has accepted to Howard University – his dream school Kate is beginning to gain weight and confesses she is not going to go to college, and Kevin is drunk most of the time.

The present-day Pearsons are not much better.

Randall takes Deja, who is having a tough time adjusting to her new school, to a rec center near William's old building in Philadelphia to introduce her to a new friend. But while there, Randall notices the rec center is in despair and makes it his own personal mission to fix it. He seeks out the councilman responsible for the neighborhood, who promises to have a crew check on the building, but not before.

Though it was a good deed Randall did, he was told by ChiChi, a long-time winner of his building and friend of William's, that he is not one of "them." That instead of spending the day talking to people at the center, he is trying to fix their problems. "We are not our problems," she says.


Meanwhile, Toby and Kate have begun IVF. We watched last week as Toby flushed his antidepressants, and in this episode, he is jittery, anxious and moody.

The couple decides they are going to keep their decision from Rebecca – but of course, she finds out and gets into a big fight with Kate while on the way to Kevin's big movie premiere. Toby stands up to Rebecca then disappears following her blow-up.

Eventually, Rebecca gets over her fears about IVF and helps Kate administer her shot while Toby is still MIA. While in a bathroom stall, Rebecca admits to Kate that she should have done more weight gaining weight.

Back to the first, Randall and Beth show up just in time to take their seats. Kevin, who has been questioning whether or not to be serious, grabs the seat next to Randall.

Kevin 's big mistake is when he tells Randall about Kate and Toby' s IVF, confessing to Randall that the reason Kate is so adamant about having a baby.


While Kevin goes on about how offended he is, Randall is clearly getting hurt by the how, especially when he has been questioning where he fits in.

The movie begins, and the two stop talking. Roll credits.

And for those of you – who is waiting for me? Sorry.

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