If you want to wear colored contact lenses, the FDA warns you

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A cosplay woman with colorful contact lenses looks into the camera at the Leipzig Book Fair in Leipzig, Germany. (Photo by Hendrik Schmidt / photo alliance via Getty Images)

When Crystal Gale sang "Do not make me shine brown eyes," she probably did not talk about decorative contact lenses. But if you plan to wear Halloween contact lenses to look like a cat, vampire, Mystic or anyone else who does not have your eyes, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) warns him.

The FDA considers these contact lenses decorative or fashionable, Halloween, colorful or aesthetic, theater or anything you want, such as medical instruments. So do not buy such lenses from anywhere. After all, would you buy a colonoscope or urinary catheter at a Halloween store, flea market, or beauty store? Beauty can be inside, but not that way. Pay attention to what you put in your body or on the mucous membranes. Never put anything in your eye that has not been approved by the FDA, except perhaps for flicker. (Note: it's scintillating with a "w.")

Instead, go to an eye exam with a real doctor and get a prescription for contact lenses. While you may not need contact lenses to "correct" your visions, they still need to sit on your eyes. Therefore, they must adapt to the surface of your eyeball properly. If you think poorly fitting underwear is uncomfortable, it's nothing compared to poorly fitting contact lenses. Improper adjustments can damage your eye, causing scratches such as abrasions or corneal ulcerations. Badly disinfected contact lenses can cause eye infections. Unapproved materials may cause damage or allergic reactions. Such problems can affect your vision and even lead to blindness. In addition, all contact lenses must have a specific expiry date. It may be interesting to continue to wear this combination of leisure dating back 20 years, but it is not the same for this pair of contact lenses.

A fan with colorful contact lenses poses for a photo at the New York Comic Con. (Photo by Mike Coppola / Getty Images)

There should be clear cleaning instructions too. It is not because you are dressed like a cat that you should lick your contact lenses. Do not use unknown and mysterious equipment and liquids to clean your contact lenses.

And for the sake of Pete and all the others, do not share contact lenses. It's dangerous and disgusting. You can share a hat, memories, a laugh and good times. But do not share what's in your eyes.

Even FDA-approved contact lenses prescribed by a physician may cause allergic reactions, eye damage, or infections. Therefore, even if you have done everything right, like getting a prescription from a real doctor, buy a legitimate pair of lenses from a reputable supplier, clean the lenses with the right methods and do not share the lenses with your besties, be on the lookout for any eye problem. If your eyes turn red (assuming you do not wear red lentils), itching, swelling, unusual watery eyes or pain, remove your lenses and see a doctor immediately. If you start purring like a cat, it has nothing to do with the lenses.

Myopic people who have had to wear contact lenses to play sports or identify with a particular issue at a given date may not understand why you would want to voluntarily put something in your eye just to change their color or have hello Kitty on your eyes. But if you really want to do that, take the proper precautions. Even if you're dressing up for Halloween with one of those extravagant alien extravagant toys from the movie Toy Storyyou still have only 2 eyes and you should protect them.


A cosplay woman with colorful contact lenses looks into the camera at the Leipzig Book Fair in Leipzig, Germany. (Photo by Hendrik Schmidt / photo alliance via Getty Images)

When Crystal Gale sang "Do not make me shine brown eyes," she probably did not talk about decorative contact lenses. But if you plan to wear Halloween contact lenses to look like a cat, vampire, Mystic or anyone else who does not have your eyes, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) warns him.

The FDA considers these contact lenses decorative or fashionable, Halloween, colorful or aesthetic, theater or anything you want, such as medical instruments. So do not buy such lenses from anywhere. After all, would you buy a colonoscope or urinary catheter at a Halloween store, flea market, or beauty store? Beauty can be inside, but not that way. Pay attention to what you put in your body or on the mucous membranes. Never put anything in your eye that has not been approved by the FDA, except perhaps for flicker. (Note: it's scintillating with a "w.")

Instead, go to an eye exam with a real doctor and get a prescription for contact lenses. While you may not need contact lenses to "correct" your visions, they still need to sit on your eyes. Therefore, they must adapt to the surface of your eyeball properly. If you think poorly fitting underwear is uncomfortable, it's nothing compared to poorly fitting contact lenses. Improper adjustments can damage your eye, causing scratches such as abrasions or corneal ulcerations. Badly disinfected contact lenses can cause eye infections. Unapproved materials may cause damage or allergic reactions. Such problems can affect your vision and even lead to blindness. In addition, all contact lenses must have a specific expiry date. It may be interesting to continue to wear this combination of leisure dating back 20 years, but it is not the same for this pair of contact lenses.

A fan with colorful contact lenses poses for a photo at the New York Comic Con. (Photo by Mike Coppola / Getty Images)

There should be clear cleaning instructions too. It is not because you are dressed like a cat that you should lick your contact lenses. Do not use unknown and mysterious equipment and liquids to clean your contact lenses.

And for the sake of Pete and all the others, do not share contact lenses. It's dangerous and disgusting. You can share a hat, memories, a laugh and good times. But do not share what's in your eyes.

Even FDA-approved contact lenses prescribed by a physician may cause allergic reactions, eye damage, or infections. Therefore, even if you have done everything right, like getting a prescription from a real doctor, buy a legitimate pair of lenses from a reputable supplier, clean the lenses with the right methods and do not share the lenses with your besties, be on the lookout for any eye problem. If your eyes turn red (assuming you do not wear red lentils), itching, swelling, unusual watery eyes or pain, remove your lenses and see a doctor immediately. If you start purring like a cat, it has nothing to do with the lenses.

Myopic people who have had to wear contact lenses to play sports or identify with whom they are asking for an appointment do not fully understand why you would want to voluntarily put something in your eye only to change color or have Hello Kitty on your eyes. But if you really want to do that, take the proper precautions. Even if you're dressing up for Halloween with one of those extravagant alien extravagant toys from the movie Toy Storyyou still have only 2 eyes and you should protect them.

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