IHME report shows US lost 21 places in world rankings


A new report from the Institute for Metrics and Health Assessment estimates that by 2040, the United States will collapse to 64th place worldwide in life expectancy. The United States ranked 43rd in 2016, making this change the largest drop among high-income countries.

»RELATED: CDC: US ​​Life Expectancy Decreases for Second Consecutive Year

According to the study recently published in The Lancet, the average lifespan of Americans will increase, but only 1.1 years, from 78.7 years (2016) to 79.8 years in 2040.

With an average lifespan of 82.9 years in 2016, Japan ranks first in the world and is expected to fall to second place by 2040, with Spain in first place.

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The researchers examined various factors affecting life expectancy using data from the Global Burden of Disease study. Of the 250 causes of death included in the study of 195 countries and territories, the six main factors were high blood pressure, high body mass index, hyperglycemia, smoking, alcohol and air pollution.

They believe that problems such as diabetes, chronic kidney failure, obesity and lung cancer will cause a significant increase in the number of deaths by 2040.

"The future of health in the world is not predefined and there is a wide range of plausible trajectories," said lead author Kyle Foreman in a statement. "But if we find significant progress or stagnation depends on the extent to which health systems support the major factors of health."

LINKED: US life expectancy declines, largely because of opioid crisis among young adults

The researchers concluded that "the intersection between deliberate political action, technological innovation, and a focus on increasing environmental, social, and geopolitical risks will likely influence the range of possible health trajectories in the world." the future".

Last month, the Atlanta Centers for Disease Control and Prevention also noted that life expectancy was declining in the country, largely because of the increasing number of deaths from drug overdose, chronic liver disease, suicide, Alzheimer's disease and bloodstream infections.

RELATED: your life in Atlanta is affecting life expectancy

The 10 countries with the expected average life expectancy highest for 2040, according to IHME:

  1. Spain (85.8 years old)
  2. Japan (85.7 years)
  3. Singapore (85.4 years)
  4. Switzerland (85.2 years)
  5. Portugal (84.5 years old)
  6. Italy (84.5 years old)
  7. Israel (84.4 years old)
  8. France (84.3 years old)
  9. Luxembourg (84.1 years old)
  10. Australia (84.1 years old)

Read the full study on thelancet.com.

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