I'm going to work around Larry David on "Brake your enthusiasm"


Larry David is a treat! Cheryl Hines revealed exclusively to Weekly that she has special plans for her Calm your enthusiasm costar for when she directs an upcoming episode of the series.

"Patrol Larry around me!" We on September 20, she was asked what she was most eager to achieve. "Things like that."

The 53-year-old actress might be in charge of an episode, but David will not let her spoil Season 10: "I can not talk too much about what's going to happen on curbbecause Larry is going to kill me.

Cheryl Hines
Cheryl Hines poses during a photo shoot for the AMAG Painful Conversations campaign. Presley Ann / Getty Images for Marina Maher Communications LLC, on behalf of AMAG Pharmaceuticals Inc.

All jokes aside, Hines enjoys the atmosphere of the HBO series. "Everything is improvised, it's difficult when you say something funny. You can not laugh during the scene or you'll ruin the decision, "she explained. "I'm very good at biting the inside of my cheek while Larry is talking."

the Suburgatoire alum stars on Calm your enthusiasm as the ex-wife of David, Cheryl. the Seinfeld the co-creator plays himself.

Hines also opened to We about her relationship with her real husband, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., while discussing his painfully awkward Conversations campaign with AMAG Pharmaceuticals. "My husband is very supportive of everything I do," she noted. "He thinks I have good judgment and he trusts me and he's just a very supportive person in my life."

She added, "He always tells me how much he loves me and that I am the most important person for him and for me, it's … It makes me spend the day and lets me know that he thinks of me and he is very kind. "

The couple, who formed the link in August 2014, makes sure to save quality time in the middle of his busy schedule. "My husband loves to hike with our big dog, so I do it with him. It's not my favorite thing, but I love it so much A bad mom Christmas star admitted "So I always have this time with him and my daughter and me." (Hines shares Catherine, 14, with her ex-husband Paul Young.)

With Carly Sloane report

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