"I'm white", obviously, a black teenager tells Dr. Phil


Dr. Phil

Self-hatred does not make you laugh, delusional tendencies either. That said, there was something so surreal in the spectacle of a 16-year-old black girl named Treasure, insisting that she was white in the incredibly long talk-show of Mr. Phil, Wednesday, that The Root staff could not help shaking their heads. in confusion and laugh uncomfortably.

We mentioned that she called "treasure", right?

Was it for real? We're still talking to each other, because Treasure's outrageous behavior was strangely similar to a Atlanta the episode comes alive. But if it was a performance, the teenager would maintain it admirably, that is, if we could find something admirable about the transparent adoption of each horrible stereotype on the blacks, while denying that you were one.

Frankly, we could not stand the whole episode, but in the barely digestible pieces we managed, this hypothetical child of Candace Owens and Stacey Dash (with Paris Dennard as a possible donor) took away the schtick of the negro self-hate heights. Treasure claims not only to be Caucasian (as she so tenderly repeated), but she apparently equates whiteness with racism. As if it was not enough to deny having any characteristic in Africa (clearly avoiding all the mirrors), she felt compelled to denigrate the race in every way imaginable, as far as possible. She even claimed to be obsessed with the Ku Klux Klan (insert the roll of the eyes here). I mean, his racism was not even original.

Even Dr. Phil seemed horrified, and he should be (after all, a black woman gave him his rostrum). We are not therapists, but Treasure has shown clearly narcissistic and sociopathic tendencies. her mother remembers mutilating her black dolls when she was a child and, at adulthood now, she proudly proclaims that she has no empathy for others. In fact, Treasure thinks that the only way to succeed is to oppress others (which looks pretty much like all the slave owners, Adolf Hitler and the Oval Office oligarch she undoubtedly supports, but I keep away from the subject).

Dr. Phil

But of course, behind most comedies hides an intense tragedy. Again, we did not have the stamina to endure a full hour of Treasure's self-hatred, but there were suggestions that her mother, who raised her alone and her brother (he seems to have been spared the pathology) may have misled his daughter about his parentage, and … cue Treasure's identity crisis.

The other guest of Dr. Phil, the Atlanta-based head coach, "Spirit," succinctly described the girl's bizarre behavior when she said, "It's not that she hates it. black people; it's that she hates herself. "

Dr. Phil

And again, there's nothing to laugh about – and, if Treasure's beliefs are authentic – not only does she need help, but her delusional insights show how insidious racism is in life and life. identity of our children. That this unequivocally racial child is so mortified by the fact that she is black that she would overthrow-Dolezal herself is inexplicably sad. Even sadder is the fact that there are more like her.

She then checks Kim Kardashian's name several times during her interviews. It may be an extremely perverse and perverse attempt at attention. Anyway, if we laugh, it's only to not cry.

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