Images of Strawberry Moon: Stunning images capture the June full moon event


I If you have not seen the June Strawberry Moon yet, there is still time to catch it just before being full on Thursday night. But if you can not see the celestial event of this month for some reason, do not despair: There are many amazing images that capture the beauty of the Strawberry Moon.

Contrary to what anyone could speculate, June's full strawberry moon is not a stunning strawberry red – but she is the most colorful moon ever gets all year long. Meanwhile, the Earth's satellite takes a low, shallow path through the sky

The whimsical name of Strawberry Moon actually comes from Algonquin tribes, who saw the moon in June as a signal to start harvesting crops. wild strawberries

reports that the full moon closest to the summer solstice, which just occurred on June 21, shines through more atmosphere than at any other time of the year, especially in the high latitudes of Europe.

This year's Strawberry Moon was particularly interesting. because it happened during Saturn in opposition. It is then that Saturn is the closest and the brightest of the year, and seeing the two heavenly bodies in the sky at the same time is a real treat.

Social media has proven particularly successful the world shares images of the beautiful Strawberry Moon. Wednesday's heavenly event was shared across social platforms as observers captured her wonder.

The Strawberry Moon is also called the "Honeymoon", the "Rose Moon" or the "Mead Moon". And it's not hard to see why when you look at some of these photos.

Some people also call the strawberry full moon the hot moon, as it heralds the beginning of the hottest months of the year on the north equator. The National Weather Service is already reporting widespread heat warnings and excessive heat monitoring in many parts of the country, and in the coming days, some places may experience record temperatures. This name is rather appropriate for this year 's end – of – year moon.

There is nothing like contemplating the full and spectacular Strawberry Moon. But if you missed the moon this month, you can still check Buck's moon in July, or the sturgeon moon in August. It will also be a blood moon, and the longest total lunar eclipse of the 21st century.

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