IMF Lagarde warns of trade conflicts clouding global growth outlook


WASHINGTON, Oct. 1 (Reuters) – Managing Director Christine Lagarde said Monday that trade disputes and tariffs are beginning to tarnish global growth prospects, calling on countries to resolve differences and reform global trade rules.

Lagarde, in a speech in advance of the annual meetings of the IMF and World Bank in Indonesia, said growth had reached its highest level since 2011, but had capped and fewer countries were participating in the expansion.

"In July, we had forecast world growth of 3.9% for 2018 and 2019. The outlook has become less promising, as you will see in our updated forecasts next week," said Lagarde, without providing new information. figures.

"A key problem is that rhetoric is turning into a new reality of real trade barriers. This is not only damaging to trade, but also investment and manufacturing as uncertainty continues to grow, "she added.

While the United States is experiencing strong growth due to tax cuts and easy financial conditions, the eurozone and Japan are showing signs of slowing down, she said. China is also showing signs of moderating growth, a trend that will be exacerbated by its trade disputes with the United States, which imposed tariffs on imports from China of up to $ 250 billion and $ 267 billion. (Report by David Lawder edited by Chizu Nomiyama)

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