In a 1983 letter, Kavanaugh wrote that he and his friends were "noisy and heinous drunkards" and "prolific pukers".


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Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, in a 1983 letter to his friends before the beach vacation in Maryland, urged them to warn neighbors of their rented apartment that they would be "noisy and obnoxious drunkards" with many pukers among us, "The New York Times reported.

The letter is the latest piece of news that differs from Mr. Kavanaugh's sworn testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee last week, during which he acknowledged that he enjoyed drinking alcohol. when he was younger, but that he had never drunk "to the point of losing consciousness".

In a statement to the Times, Kavanagh confirmed that he wrote the letter.

Kavanaugh writes that the person in the group who is to arrive in Ocean City, Maryland, praise first, should praise "the neighbors that we are noisy and hateful drunkards with prolific bragmen among us." Advise them to go about 30 miles. "

The White House has rejected the publication of the letter by the Times.

"It seems the New York Times has committed to embarrassing Judge Kavanaugh by telling stories of teenage drinking three decades ago." He has already acknowledged under oath that he had been drinking, had often attended school evenings, sometimes too much, that he liked beer "He's not perfect and, like a lot of people, he makes faces," spokeswoman the White House, Kerri Kupec.

The letter, which NBC has not yet seen, was one of many published in a 24-hour period, when other key players involved in the review of Kavanaugh's appointment to the The country's highest judicial authority have all advanced their own history.

In a letter released Tuesday, Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, searched for "physical evidence" from Christine Blasey Ford's lawyers – who accused Kavanaugh of sexual assault – suggesting that she is facing scrutiny while the Senate was moving towards a full confirmation vote.

Grassley notes Ford's therapy sessions and audio and video tapes of his polygraph test.

"I reiterate my request for the notes of therapy sessions at which Dr. Ford discussed the alleged aggression of Judge Kavanaugh," Grassley wrote referring to a Washington Post article, referring to the notes, in which Ford made public its allegations.

"These notes were cited repeatedly as corroborating even though they had been written 30 years after the alleged event and in apparent contradiction to testimonials and other public statements regarding several key details of the accusations, "said Grassley. He added that the previous response of Ford's lawyers to the application – that the records contained "extremely sensitive private information that is not necessary for the committee to assess" Ford's credibility – is not "justified ".

Grassley wrote that it was particularly important to get the audio and video tapes of his lie detector test, as his committee had received an affidavit from "a longtime boyfriend of Dr. he had personally witnessed his testimony: polygraph examinations. "

Iowa Republican added that Ford had said at last week's hearing that she had never given any "advice" to anyone who was considering taking a polygraph.

"This statement raises specific concerns about the reliability of the results of its polygraph examination," Grassley wrote.

On Wednesday, NBC News got Grassley's letter quoted by a man who claimed to be an ex-boyfriend of Ford. The man says he had a relationship with Ford from 1992 to 1998 and saw Ford help a friend, Monica McLean, "prepare for a polygraph examination."

"Dr. Ford explained in detail what to expect, how the polygraphs worked and helped McLean become familiar with and become less nervous about the exam," wrote the man, whose the identity in the letter has been redacted.

The man, who said he broke with Ford after having unfaithful, also disputed other parts of Ford's testimony last week, claiming that she had never before "indicated his fear of the plane" nor "his fear of closed premises". restricted spaces, or places with a single exit. "

Later Wednesday morning, however, McLean provided a statement to NBC News, disputing his claims.

"I NEVER had Christine Blasey Ford, or anyone else, to prepare or provide any other form of assistance in connection with a polygraph examination that I I've spent any time, "wrote McLean.

To stay true to his testimony, a member of his team told NBC News.

This back and forth marked the last chapter of the ongoing saga regarding the confirmation of Kavanaugh. Despite multiple allegations of sexual misconduct against Kavanaugh, Republicans have pledged to vote on his appointment this week.

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