In a posthumous message, Stephen Hawking warns against "reckless indifference to our future"


Stephen Hawking in his latest book, he warned that climate change was the biggest threat the world was facing, according to Vox. The scientist, who died in March at the age of 76, wrote that humanity behaved with "reckless indifference to our future on planet Earth," online media reported Tuesday.

In his book "Brief Answers to Big Questions," Hawking wrote that it was "almost inevitable that a nuclear confrontation or environmental disaster would cripple the Earth at some point in the next 1,000 years." If humanity were to find a way to avoid the consequences of such an event, the disappearance of the earthly species "will be on our conscience as a race," wrote Hawking.

On Monday, Hawking is voiced from beyond the grave to warn the world that science and education are under threat around the world. His lyrics were broadcast at a launch event in London for his book.

Hawking warned that education and science are "in danger now more than ever before". He cited the election of President Trump and the 2016 British vote to leave the European Union as part of "a worldwide revolt against experts, including scientists".

The British professor Stephen Hawking, theoretical physicist, gives a lecture on September 23, 2014 during the Starmus festival on the Canary Island of Tenerife, Spain.

The British professor Stephen Hawking, theoretical physicist, gives a lecture on September 23, 2014 during the Starmus festival on the Canary Island of Tenerife, Spain.

Desiree Martin / AFP / Getty Images

Recognizing that science still had to overcome major challenges for the world – including climate change, overpopulation, extinction of species, deforestation and ocean degradation – the physicist has always urged young people "to look at the stars and not at your feet. "" Try to make sense of what you see and ask yourself what makes the universe exist, "he said.

"It's important that you do not give up," he says. "Give free rein to your imagination, shape the future."

Hawking has lived for more than five decades with a motor neuron disease that left him paralyzed, communicating via a computer-generated voice. In June, his ashes were buried at Westminster Abbey, between the graves of Charles Darwin and Isaac Newton.

Hawking's daughter, Lucy, who attended the book's launch, said hearing her father's recognizable voice had been "very moving." "I turned around because I had tears in my eyes," she said.

"I sometimes have the impression that he's still here because we talk about him, we hear his voice and we see pictures of him," she said. "We then have the reminder that he left us."

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