In an important speech on Brexit, Theresa May called the Europeans in Britain waiting jumpers. People got upset.


LONDON – Prime Minister Theresa May has called the 3 million Europeans living in Britain "jumpers." This has upset some people because this is a real insult.

Understand that in Britain, it is simply not done to jump the tail. Not by the British people, or their longtime guests.

East London, West London, chic or poor, public or private school, city or country – if there is a queue, you take your place well.

Keep Calm and carry on?

The only reason the British – who are actually very excitable – can stay calm is that there is a queue and they know that if they stand behind, they will eventually come to the fore.

Order, people.

You know who cuts online? In the British mind? Barbarians. The Vikings. Foreigners.

It is true that sometimes a distraught tourist jumps his tail and that everyone online, collectively, begins to be nervous and upset in an invisible way, until, collectively, they decide to say nothing to the tourist because it would be rude.

But they think so.

In an important speech to promote his agreement on Brexit in front of the country's business leaders on Monday, the month of May promised: "This will no longer be the case for the EU. Nationals, regardless of their skills or experience, may be ahead of Sydney engineers or software developers in Delhi. "

The eggs The Europeans did not like it at all.

Guy Verhofstadt, the Brexit coordinator for the European Parliament, went on Twitter to remind May that the EUR 3 million. citizens "alive, working, contributing to the British communities not in line", any more than British nationals in Europe. "

EU. citizens, be they Romanian astrophysicists or French domestics, are allowed to live and work in Britain legally because they are members of the European Union, just like the British, who also have the right to live and to work in other United States of Western Europe. countries. This "freedom of movement" is one of the pillars of the EU. and its forerunner, which Britain joined in 1973.

Brexit will change all that – when Britain will definitely leave the union in 2021, or 2022, or at any time, depending on who you believe. May said that part of Brexit's promise to "take back control" meant taking control of Britain's immigration policy.

"Free movement will end," May told parliament last week. "This is one of the key elements, I believe, of the referendum vote we need to make sure we deliver for the British people."

May has promised to reduce global immigration from hundreds of thousands each year to tens of thousands, and to give preference to the most skilled and well-paid workers, compared to the least skilled and least paid workers who currently exploit cultures. , clean hotel rooms and look after the sick and elderly in Britain.

In the future, USA promised, citizens will not enjoy any preference over a person from India or Australia.

May's comments about skipping the queue were considered deeply insulting, not only by foreigners but also by many Britons.

LBC radio host, James O'Brien, began to be interested in social media after airing a clip from his show on Tuesday in which he blasted May for his comments and comments. has become viral. In qualifying the Europeans for jumps in the queues, May called them "cheats, trustworthy people, players who play the system, those who do not play quite with a bat a little fishy, a little fishy. Why? Why? Because they are foreigners. "

May has not spoken badly. It was in copies of his printed speech. Political analysts have assumed that she thought so, like a piece of red meat for hardcore Brexiteers.

Scottish Prime Minister Nicola Sturgeon wrote on Twitter: "Preventing EU citizens from" queuing up ", claiming that the Brexit case has been reduced to such a miserable situation and is being destroyed is extremely depressing.

She called May's line "really ashamed".

Layla Moran, a Liberal Democrat, said May must apologize.

The British press asked May's official spokesman what the prime minister meant.

The spokesperson replied, "We have always been aware of the important contribution that US citizens make to our economy and public services.

"The Prime Minister insists that we want to have a global system in which people's skills are the basis on which they are able to work in the UK."

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