In China, Bill Gates encourages the world to build better toilets


BEIJING – Bill Gates thinks the world needs better toilets.

Specifically, toilets that improve hygiene must absolutely not connect to sewer systems and can turn human waste into fertilizer.

On Tuesday in Beijing, Gates organized the Reinvented Toilet Expo, an opportunity for companies to present their point of view on simple bathroom furniture. Companies have shown toilets that can separate urine from other wastes for more efficient treatment, recycled water for hand washing and solar roofs.

It's not a matter of laughing. About 4.5 billion people – more than half of the world's population – live without access to safe sanitation. Globally, Gates told participants, unsanitary sanitation costs about $ 223 billion a year in the form of higher health costs, lost productivity and wages.

Li Shuangxin, a 41-year-old housewife who lives in the suburbs of Beijing, goes several times a day to a hundred meters from her cabin. About 20 people share the "toilet", which is a little over two boards above a mud pit.

"It might look like the space program where people have fantasies about the colonization of the moon and Mars, but it's really not practical," he said.

Mr. Gates acknowledged that some reinvented toilets, in small quantities, could cost up to $ 10,000, but he added, "This will drop very quickly."

"The hardest thing will be to increase it from $ 2,000 to $ 500," he said. "I would say we're more confident today that it was a good bet than where we started, but we're still not there."

The Gates Foundation announced that the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank and the African Development Bank would allocate $ 2.5 billion to sanitation projects providing residents of all parts of the city – including neighborhoods with poorer – sanitation services managed safely.

"We see ourselves at the dawn of a sanitation revolution," Gates told attendees of the show.

In a showroom of an art center in Beijing, companies such as Chinese companies Clear, Ecosan and CRRC, US companies Sedron Technologies, Eram Scientific and Blue Diversion Autarky have set up toilets that can separate urine and recycle the water to wash your hands.

In his opening remarks, Mr. Gates stated that he was starting to become interested in sanitation after he stopped working full-time at Microsoft and started traveling more frequently in poor countries with his wife, Melinda.

Holding a beaker of feces, Mr. Gates reminded the public that human waste is disgusting and that it contains 200,000 billion rotavirus cells and 100,000 wormworm eggs, among other bacteria.

Mr. Gates' efforts to incorporate the toilet discussion into society have legitimized a subject that many people have avoided dealing with for decades, said Jack Sim, founder of the World Toilet Organization, a non-profit organization. based in Singapore, engaged in improving toilets and sanitation. conditions around the world.

"The subject of toilets has been a neglected topic for some time," said Sim. "The Gates Foundation is part of this drive to break the taboo. "

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