In Cuomo vs. Nixon, de Blasio chooses not to choose


New York Mayor Bill de Blasio said on Saturday that he would not make an endorsement in the first clash between Governor Cynthia Nixon and his usual rival, Andrew Cuomo. city ​​that he governs.

De Blasio, who for weeks has refused to speak publicly a few days before the race, said in a statement that he will maintain his private vote to protect his relations with anyone who wins the Democratic primary. The mayor and the governor have been in a feud of unknown origin for years, but Nixon has hinted in recent weeks that she was not anticipating De Blasio's support, citing the governor's penchant for retaliation.

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"It will be my job to work with the next governor and lieutenant governor on behalf of the workers in our city. The city of New York must have a voice in the politics of the state that shapes a large part of our lives, "said the mayor in his statement." I think that supporting a candidate in these races is in this case counter productive. My vote Thursday will be between me and my ballot. "

The statement did not mention the race to the Attorney General, which will be another difficult decision. Public defender Letitia James is an ally of Brooklyn, the hometown of the mayor, but Zephyr Teachout represents the "progressive movement" which De Blasio is eager to be a leader. The mayor's wife, Chirlane McCray, has already supported Teachout in the race which also includes Leecia Eve and Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney.

"I am convinced that the elections on Thursday will bring even more evidence that the progressive movement is upward," said Saturday de Blasio.

The mayor has had to face political criticism in the past. He was late to approve his former boss, Hillary Clinton, during the 2016 Democratic presidential primary, infuriating his campaign. Although he has made himself a progressive national leader, he quietly supported Representative Joe Crowley shortly before the long-time Democratic president was lost to a new political figure, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

The mayor suggested that voters and the city could be better off as a result of a "very healthy primary season", which drew attention to liberal issues, the need to fully fund repairs to the city. subway, strengthen the laws on rents and to improve education and expand voter access.

De Blasio also took the opportunity to congratulate Nixon, claiming that his contribution to the race had improved the lives of the workers and that his presence had created a "dynamic of reform".

Nixon seemed resigned to the fact that she would not gain the Mayor's public support.

"Frankly, it would be a difficult thing for the mayor because we know how vindictive the governor is," she said in a recent appearance at NY1.

The mayor acknowledged his innumerable disagreements with Cuomo, but also praised the incumbent governor's record.

"My philosophical differences with Governor Cuomo are not a secret. But at the end of the day, there is definitely more to unite us than divide us, "said de Blasio. "He deserves credit for responding to the popular demand for the $ 15 minimum wage and paid family leave. He deserves to be recognized for making marriage equality a reality and for challenging President Trump.

Cuomo's campaign refused to comment on the mayor's statement. The Nixon campaign did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

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