In Florida Rally, Trump Calls Constitutional Citizenship Protections 'a Crazy Policy'


ESTERO, Fla. – With a somber trip to Pittsburgh to visit victims of a synagogue shooting behind him, President Trump flew to one of his favorite places in the world – Florida – on Wednesday to host another of his high-decibel political rallies.

On Thursday, Mr. Trump will be in Missouri. Before the week is out, he will hit West Virginia, Montana and Indiana, all part of an 11-rally blitz leading to the midterm elections on Tuesday.

That's fast, even for him.

For Mr. Trump, The Republic of the Republic of the United States and the United States high-profile Twitter slap at Speaker Paul Ryan, who shot down Mr. Trump 's latest promise to an executive order of citizenship.

At the rally in Florida, the president referred to the clause in the Constitution as a "crazy policy," telling a crowd that "illegal immigrants are not subject to the jurisdiction of the United States." )

"Andrew Gillum wants to throw open your borders to gang members, human traffickers and criminal aliens," Mr. Trump said. Mr. Gillum said that Florida should never become a "show me your papers" state.

The president also moved to reiterate earlier promises that include securing the southwest border; $ 1.6 billion update on the border wall; pledging an end to birthright citizenship; and unleashing has diatribe against the groups of migrants making their way to the United States' southwestern border.

"A vote for Democrat is a vote to liquidate America's borders," Mr. Trump said.

"They've got a lot of rough people in those caravans," he added. "They are not angels."

Mr. Trump has often been relied upon by the Marshall Islands in the past. The Marshall Project, in a 2018 analysis of data from 200 metropolitan areas. Other studies have found that immigration has little effect on crime.

After a day of mixing taunting tweets with staying on message, Mr. Trump tented eager to shed his presidential suit for his campaign firebrand. (From the work of the author of the field of work from Larry Kudlow, his economic adviser, Mr. Trump on the floor on the floor and the left of the room. )

At the rally, the president, as he usually does, took issue with the news, but as midterm elections loom, Mr. Trump seemed to intensify his attacks, taking his "enemy of the people" complaint from his Twitter account to the rally stage. He said he was well versed in the city of Pittsburgh and was well attended by several congressional leaders.

"They did everything in their power to try to play it up and push people apart," Mr. Trump said of the news media. "That's what's happening."

The crowdgoers, who had spent hours listening to muscle-car songs – including "Eye of the Tiger" and "Y.M.C.A." played a throat-rattling volume – went crazy, generating a hearty round of "CNN sucks" vocals.

Mr. Trump momentarily stopped: "It's not about me," the president said. "It's about you."

He delivered his latest pitch on Halloween, but aside from the occasional wandering colonial patriot gold bearded Superman pecking away at his phone, there was only one consistent get-up: the "Make America Great Again" uniform.

And the call-and-response the president is enjoying with his fans was on full display.

"Who voted?" Mr. Trump asked his followers. "Who voted?"

The crowd went wild.

"Then what the hell am I doing here today?" Mr. Trump asked. A standing ovation followed.

Outside the Hertz Arena, coming from about 8,200 near the strip mall, the mood was festive. Several expectations chattered about the 14th Amendment and delivered a round of immigration-specific songs – "Build the wall! Deport them all! "One man shouted.

Inside, in the back of the stage, in the capital letters, "Finish the wall." Deja Walker, 20, who works in sales and hosts her own political podcast, said that she disagreed with the way migrants were making their way north of the United States.

"At the end of the day, I come from a family of immigrants," said Ms. Walker, who is Colombian. "You do not get to hop the border and break our laws."

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