In Gaza and Israel, fears of war rise despite the truce


After seven chaotic and violent hours, calm returned to the Gaza Strip during the night. Yet on Saturday, civilians in the Palestinian enclave and Israel remained fearful of the potential for a new war.

The deadly shootout by a Palestinian Israeli soldier during protests along the border on Friday unleashed a widespread wave of Israeli bombing, with three fighters of Islamist leaders in Gaza being killed and scores of targets were affected

After intensive indirect mediation by the United Nations and Egypt, a truce came into effect at midnight, but the two populations remained in a state of alert. and Hamas

"The war is coming, I know that the (Israeli) occupation is conducting raids to pave the way with their base," said AFP Somaya Rabaya, 21, of Deir al-Balah in the center of Gaza.

While the ceasefire agreement provided for the end of rockets and mortars, it did not include Hamas's commitment to stop what the Israeli media qualify "killer terrorists," according to a source close to Hamas. Mon During border demonstrations, young Palestinians in Gaza attached fire-fighting devices to kites and balloons and floated them over the border, sealing hundreds of fires

Ofir Libstein, 44 lives with his wife and four sons in Kfar Aza. kibbutz near the border with northern Gaza.

The lands around their community have suffered significant damage from kites and balloons.

"You see all the fire, all the trees, all the flowers,

He said that no fire had been fired near his home on Saturday, but he feared that" there are some later.

Outbreak of violence has also sent Israelis near Gaza several times Rockets and mortars fired by Palestinian militants

"It's scary, but that's life next to the Gaza Strip, "Libstein said promising to stay

Israeli politicians have harshly threatened the authors of the fire bombs.'s day, the army targeting groups of young men releasing them near the border

On Saturday morning in Gaza, Wissam, 17, was with a number of other young people adjusting kites with small bottles full of diesel, while sheltered behind a sandbar for fear of Israeli strikes.

"This mat in, they bombed a Hamas observation post near here. I was afraid they were hitting us with a missile. "

-" Do not want war "-

The border was largely calm on Saturday, but there were months of protests and major clashes.

At least 149 Palestinians have been killed since the end of March. Friday 's death was the first killed by the Israelis

For Israel, the army defends its borders and halts infiltrations, accusing Hamas of stabbing. using demonstrations as cover.

Palestinians and rights groups say unarmed protesters are shot dead when they do not pose a real threat to soldiers.

Gaza residents The last weekend saw the worst firefight between Israel and Palestinian militants in Gaza since the 2014 war.

Israeli strikes struck dozens of what the military has described as military targets in Gaza. "We do not want a new war," said Khaled Barbakh, 22, from Khan Yunis in southern Gaza

"We are tired and we want to live in. Israel believes that the blockade is necessary to isolate Hamas, with whom he has delivered three wars since 2008, most recently in 2014.

While civilians remain wary of another conflict, he had to start a lot, they would probably rally behind their leaders, said Nathan Thrall, of the International Crisis Group think tank, on the collective punishment of the two million inhabitants AFP

" If a war broke out now, I think most would (will be in favor), "said Thrall." If it had erupted last night, Gazans would have supported Hamas retaliation and many Israelis would have supported the Israeli action to try to stop the l The incendiary kites and the ball oons. "

An explosion in the sky of an Israeli bombardment at Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Strip on July 20, 2018

A photo taken on July 20, 2018 shows tear gas bombs Arson-laden bullets are being fired at Israel during a clash between Palestinian protesters and Israeli troops east of Gaza City, along the border between Israeli forces and Israeli forces. The Israeli rebels east of Khan Yunis The Gaza Strip and Israel, July 13, 2018

Palestinian paramedics transport an injured man to al-Shifa hospital in Gaza after he was injured by Israeli forces on 20 July 2018 in the east of Gaza City [19659036] Palestinian relatives react upon their arrival at the morgue of Shifa hospital in Gaza City where the body of Mohammed Badwan was taken away after being killed by Israeli forces during demonstrations along the eastern border of the city of Gaza on 20 July 2018

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