In Indonesia Plane Crash Inquiry, New Focus on Possible Aircraft Problems


JAKARTA, Indonesia – Investigators on Wednesday, the largest crash in the world. Boeing 737 Max 8 last week, having a role in the sea.

Boeing and aviation regulators in the United States, which is clearly one of the most important situations in the world, is one of the most important situations in the world, one of the most popular in commercial aviation.

The developments suggest that multiple causes may be combined to a fatal cascade of problems for Lion Air Flight 610, which plunged into the Java Sea less than 15 minutes after takeoff on Oct. 29, killing all 189 people aboard.

Haryo Satmiko, the deputy chief of Indonesia's National Transportation Safety Committee, said in an interview that he had held several discussions with Boeing officials after the crash. automatic descent.

"This case is something for Boeing to reflect upon," Mr. Haryo said.

Boeing did not comment on Mr. Haryo's assertion. But the company said in a statement on Wednesday that the aircraft's manual explains how to respond to the problem.

The Federal Aviation Administration of the United States reinforced the Boeing bulletin on Wednesday by issuing an "Emergency Airworthiness Directive" addressing the possibility of erroneous data on the plane that could cause it to pitch downward, "making the aircraft difficult to control."

The directive requires the operators to ensure that the procedures are handled.

The possibility of errant data pitching the plane into an abrupt descent faulty airspeed indicators and possibly flawed maintenance.

The 737 model entered commercial operations only last year. More than 4,500 orders have been placed globally.

Boeing's statement that it had been told by the Indonesian Transport Committee that Flight 610 had "experienced erroneous input" from one of its "angle of attack" sensors. Those instruments, on the nose of the plane, gauge the degree of an aircraft ascent or descent and help determine the plane might be stalling – meaning it is pointed too high for its current speed.

The Boeing statement said that it's a bulletin to the operators of "existing flight crew procedures" for handling false readings from the Max 8's angle of attack sensors.

John Cox, the former Air Line Pilots Association Chairman of the Air Line Pilots Association in the United States and the Chief Executive Officer of Safety Operating Systems, said that the previous version of the Boeing 737, the Max 8 has an automated system that can take control of the aircraft and cause it to point

Mr. Cox, who flew earlier generations of the Boeing 737 for 15 years, said that the system is designed to detect the dangers of stalling.

His understanding of Boeing's advice to air carriers, he said, was that it was reminding them of the operating manual's instructions on what flight crews should do to manually disengage the automatic system if it malfunctioned. "There is a procedure for pilots," he said, "but the plane is incorrectly pitches its nose downward in response to a flawed stall warning, Mr. Cox said.

Angle of attack information is also used on the latest models to help calculate airspeed, said Ony Soerjo Wibowo, an air safety investigator for the Indonesian government.

Soerjanto Tjahjono, head of the National Transportation Safety Committee, said on Wednesday that it was not possible to fault Boeing for a possible systemic problem with the Max 8.

"He said, adding that it is a problem that has been raised by the angle of attack of the sensor on the island of Bali.

The potential issue with inaccurate angle of attack data adds to problems previously reported with the Lion Air plane.

Lion Air is Indonesia's largest carrier and one of the world's fastest-growing low-cost airlines.

Mr. Haryo said that it is possible to work with the plane, and that it is possible for the airline to operate.

Air has had a spotty record since it began commercial operations in 2000, with at least 15 major lapses, including a fatal air crash in 2004.

Incomplete readings from either – or both – the airspeed probes and the angle of attack.

Flight 610 crashed into the Java Sea, northeast of Jakarta, after less than 15 minutes, following an erratic takeoff that mirrored the problem on its flight from Bali. The flight crew requested permission to return to the Jakarta airport but never turned around.

The plane slammed into the sea at such high speed that the jet fractured upon impact, in some cases disintegrating into a fine powder, Indonesian investigators said.

On Tuesday, Indonesian investigators were asked to tell the interviewer's questions about the problem, and said that it would have been cleared up by Pangkal Pinang, Mr. Haryo said.

Those interviews, along with conversations with other aviation technicians, have led to an inconvenience in this issue. Mr. Haryo said.

If there is a problem with this problem, it would not be a problem for the first time to have a problem.

Airbus, for instance, experienced a problem with the computerization of airspace, which is believed to have caused a relatively new model of the A330 to dive suddenly. In 2008, Qantas Flight 72, en route from Singapore to Perth. The plane's autopilot disengaged, but the aircraft abruptly and violently pitched downward, causing serious injuries among the passengers and crew.

Australian transport investigators eventually focused on a software limitation of the A330's computer system, which they said had caused the accident. Procedures were quickly put in place to avoid a similar outcome.

"It's really hard to find some faults in testing," said Gerry Soejatman, an Indonesian aviation expert. "Sometimes weird things happen, and you just can not anticipate it."

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