In the field of inflammation and risk: scientists have called the most fragile joints of the body


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Scientists Isabelle Cambré and Dirk Elewaut of the Inflammation Study Center, VIB-UGent, have discovered that key factors in joint degradation are biomechanical forces. In order to draw conclusions, scientists examined bone erosions, caused by inflammation.

Scientists have identified some "hot" spots in the musculoskeletal system, where you often have inflammation and erosion of the joints. These areas are particularly sensitive to mechanical stress and also explain the clinical picture of damaged joints in patients.

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Research has allowed scientists to find that some mechanisms are associated with the release of certain mediators of inflammation. Among them, secrete chemokines that result from mechanical stress.

"Our results largely explain the heterogeneous nature of joint inflammation in arthritis and the clinical picture of joint damage. We are currently trying to determine the main ways to contribute to this inflammation, "said the scientists.

The study is published in the journal "Nature Communications".

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