In the Gobi desert found the skeleton of a sauropod


В пустыне Гоби нашли скелет зауропода

A group of Japanese and Mongolian scientists participating in joint research in the Gobi Desert Territory discovered the bones of a large dinosaur. This was reported by the Jiji agency. According to experts, the remains belong to a sauropod herbivorous dinosaur, and lived 70 million years ago.

According to experts, bones found with high probability belong to sauropods and their age reaches 70 million years. These herbivorous dinosaurs lived in the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods on all continents. Their length can exceed 20 m and their weight varies from 15 to 30 tons. They could easily survive in dry climates and other extreme conditions, according to TASS.

Among the bones found are the main hip and the skeleton tail, including a large femur with a length of 1.55 m. Scientists say it is one of the largest specimens found in this region when excavating the soil layer corresponding to the Upper Cretaceous period.

During the expedition, they were able to find the fossilized footprint of a bipedal herbivorous dinosaur belonging to the order of ornithopods. Its dimensions range from 86 to 115 cm, which is close to the record figures of the history of the excavations. In this case, the dinosaur was probably a representative quite close to his party and was 17 to 5 meters longer than the famous carnivore Tyrannosaurus.

Earlier this year, a group of researchers from the island of Hokkaido, north of Japan, introduced the skeleton of a dinosaur of the family of hadrosaurs, which, according to their depictions, is the more holistic of the country. In total, it includes 157 bones.

As noted earlier, scientists have discovered in England the remains of the first direct human ancestors

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