In the human brain found an unknown land



Scientists working at the Research Institute of Australia have discovered a hitherto unknown area of ​​the human brain. It is between the head and the dorsal regions of the brain, reports ScienceAlert, according to

The discovery of a hitherto unknown brain region has occurred through an innovative method that uses a coloring of the elements. This method divides the neurons into groups according to their functions. Thus, scientists have learned that the unknown phase is located in the cerebellar stem of the lower base of the brain. In the immediate vicinity, there is the area responsible for the spinal cord. According to scientists, no animal has this kind of brain. It is therefore an exclusive feature of the man and responsible for fine motor skills.

However, this discovery has not yet been confirmed and how to study it. It is likely that this breakthrough will have a direct impact on the treatment of diseases such as Parkinson's disease and many others that affect the functionality of muscles due to brain malfunction. But it can take years.


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