In the United States tested a new powerful interceptor missile – video


In the United States, a new powerful interceptor missile - video - has been tested

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Missiles SM-3 Block IIA version developed since 2006 jointly by the United States and Japan

For the second time in a row, the United States has successfully tested a new missile interceptor designed to combat medium-range missile attacks. It is reported by Defense News.

As it became known, the operation took part in the destroyer John Finn, who introduced last year into the US Navy. He detected and intercepted a missile target launched from the west coast of Hawaii.

We now know that the SM-3 Block IIA missile version has been developed since 2006 jointly by the United States and Japan. It is intended to replace the previous modification of the SM-3. A missile equipped with a kinetic interceptor, the new sensory equipment. It has a great ability to discriminate against false targets, as well as increased range and speed of destruction.

It is also noteworthy that the missile destroys the target not as a result of the explosion and by physical contact with it. The racing speed is 4.5 km per second, which limits its range to 2700 km.

Plan to install missiles on the sea and land platforms ABOUT Dr. Egis Ashore, particularly in Romania, Poland and Japan, who is concerned about the nuclear missile program of the DPRK.

The missile test took place a few days after the announcement by President Donald that the US was withdrawing from the 1987 treaty. The signed documents prohibited the parties (US and Russia) from acquiring or develop land. missiles based on a distance of 500 to 5,500 km.

In the United States, a new powerful interceptor missile - video - has been tested



In the United States, a new powerful interceptor missile - video - has been tested



In the United States, a new powerful interceptor missile - video - has been tested



In the United States, a new powerful interceptor missile - video - has been tested



In the United States, a new powerful interceptor missile - video - has been tested



In the United States, a new powerful interceptor missile - video - has been tested



In the United States, a new powerful interceptor missile - video - has been tested



In the United States, a new powerful interceptor missile - video - has been tested



In the United States, a new powerful interceptor missile - video - has been tested



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