In the United States, the Tesla 3 model has a five-star rating in all security categories.


Like the Tesla Model S and Model vehicles, the all-electric model 3 has just been awarded a five-star rating in all NHTSA defined security categories.

After brutal collision tests on the Tesla Model 3, the US government has decided to award the highest distinction to the all-electric car and award it a five-star rating in all security categories established so far by the National Highway Traffic. Security Administration (NHTSA).

As the Daily mail reported, viewers watching the slow-motion sequence of the Tesla Model 3 crash test may see the car forcibly crashing in test crashes on the front and rear of the vehicle, while trying to to see how the Model 3 would react. rollover and side collisions.

Since 1978, NHTSA has been testing cars in this way to see how they stand up to real-life scenarios, and the Tesla Model 3 has been recognized as a winner in this regard. Elon Musk has already stated that he believed model 3. would be proven to be the safest car out there. In that, he was certainly not wrong.

The success of the Model 3 seems to have been assured, but this is not the case, especially with Musk who describes the hell of the production of the past year and that his company suffered from such a high demand for this vehicle electric. Yet just like Tesla's S and X models, which also received the same five-star rating from NHTSA, Model 3 has now received the same honor.

However, still the perfectionist, Elon Musk has turned to Twitter to proclaim that other NHTSA statistics could prove that the Model 3 is the safest car to drive in America.

"All 5 stars are not the same … 5 stars" simply means that a car has reached a certain threshold, but injury probability statistics (real numbers) tell you how much. NHTSA will soon release the final security likelihood statistics. Model 3 has a chance to be the safest car ever tested.

The collision ratings of the Tesla Model 3 have been greatly aided by the fact that there is no internal combustion engine in these cars, which means that with the front deformation zone, there is much more room . The useful addition of battery backs underneath the vehicle also helps to prevent rollovers. In fact, according to NHTSA, if you drive a model 3, the chances of experiencing a rollover accident are only 6.6%, a significant drop from the 10% attributed to traditional cars of the same size.

With the latest NHTSA Tesla 3 five-star rating, it may be time to place your order if you're looking for the most amazing and probably the safest car in the US market by the government.

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