In tribute to Paul Allen, Seattle buildings will be bathed in blue light this weekend


Some buildings in Bellevue, Los Angeles and New York will also participate


His guitarist Jimi Hendrix sang "Purple Haze," but the Seahawks blue was also one of Paul Allen's favorite colors. As a tribute to the late co-founder of Microsoft, the buildings in the Seattle area will turn blue this weekend.

As soon as night falls from Saturday to Sunday until midnight, the Washington University campus buildings at CenturyLink Field and Lake Washington at Bellevue will be lit in blue, according to the company. Allen Investment, Vulcan Inc.

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Allen died Oct. 15 at the age of 65. The technology icon and philanthropist has participated in many activities in Seattle, his hometown, and the "Lighthouses of Remembrance" will honor his impact.

"Our family and all of us in Vulcan continue to be touched by the outpouring of support from so many people that Paul's life has touched," said his sister Jody Allen in a statement. "These lighthouses in Paul's memory are a wonderful tribute and a reminder that there is still important work to be done."

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Jody Allen was appointed executrix of Paul Allen's estate and promised last week that she "will ensure that Paul's vision materializes, not just for years, but for generations."

Vulcan said the idea of ​​this tribute to light came from "the wave of support from Seattle Seahawks fans and organizations in the Pacific Northwest." Allen was the longtime owner of the NFL franchise. Sunday's game against the San Diego Chargers is the home team's first game since Allen's death.

Vulcan also thanked the Downtown Seattle Association and the Alliance for Pioneer Square for their contribution to the effort.

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Participating structures include:

  • The spheres of Amazon
  • Microsoft City Center
  • CenturyLink field
  • T Mobile
  • Columbia Tower
  • Washington State Convention Center
  • University of Washington State
  • University of Washington (Paul G. Allen School of Computer and Engineering)
  • Union Square
  • WSDOT Bridge 520

Microsoft's campuses in Los Angeles and New York will also be enlightened.

It will not be the first time that buildings in the area will take a color for a cause. The Allen Institute and other buildings and monuments used a violet light in March to mark the countdown to hosting the Special Olympics in Seattle.

RELATED: Bill Gates and Paul Allen had a company before Microsoft, and this engineer was their partner

The Spheres also went hand in hand with a rainbow effect to kick off the pride celebrations in June.

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