Increase health and longevity by eating at regular intervals!


How much do you eat? And what is the time interval between each meal? Wondering why we ask this? Well, because we have recently made a history Eat your meals in 10 hours to lead a healthy life. But it looks like another study has just come out that talks about taking breaks between meals.

The recent study indicates that longer daily fast periods or increased length of time between meals, despite the number of calories and diet composition, can make you healthier and live longer.

For the study, published in the journal Cell metabolism, the researchers divided 292 male mice into two dietary groups. While the first group had access to food 24 hours a day. A second group received 30% fewer calories each day than the first group. A third group was also created, fed by a meal, receiving a single meal that corresponded exactly to the number of calories of the group 24 hours a day.

At the end of the study, the team found that male mice fed with meals and low calorie mice showed an improvement in their overall health, including beneficial effects on the liver and other organs. related to age. The group also showed increased longevity. The calorie restricted group showed a significant improvement in fasting glucose and insulin levels.

"Increasing daily fasting times, with no reduction in calories and regardless of the type of diet consumed, has resulted in an overall improvement in health and survival in male mice," he said. lead author Rafael de Cabo of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). in the study.

"Perhaps this extended daily fasting period allows for repair and maintenance mechanisms that would be absent during continued exposure to food," added Mr. De Cabo.

The results indicate that further studies can be conducted to test how these types of time-limited dietary patterns could help humans maintain their overall health and reduce the risk of age-related metabolic disorders.

Posted on September 7, 2018 at 7:51 pm

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