Incredibly angry Canadian crabs cause chaos in coastal waters


According to scientists, Canadian crabs cause chaos in the coastal waters where they migrated. This green crab variety comes from Nova Scotia and is described as incredibly aggressive, eating soft-shelled clams and even being ready to fight humans that are too close. Unfortunately, this brutal nature poses big problems in the ecosystems that live crabs.

Maine's coastal waters are home to the same species of crabs as angry Canadian green crabs, but there is one essential difference: Maine's are cold, while those in Canada seem infernal. According to a report by APThe Canadian green crab is tearing down the grass in the eel, which is native to the region, and eating soft-shelled clams.

According to researchers themselves attacked by the crabs while they were trying to study them, the frozen crabs already present in these waters are withdrawing from the aggressive invader. A crab is described as having jumped water to attack a researcher who was trying to label them.

Crabs are described as eradicating eelgrass in the search for tasty little creatures that can hide in the interior. Canadian clams are also likely to be eaten by Canadian crabs, which currently account for only about 2-3% of the region's green crabs.

There are still questions about the nature of the crab – whether it is aggressive because of its genes or if it just presents a show to settle in the new region. Assuming this is the case, the aggressiveness would eventually disappear as Canadian crabs claim the new waters as their habitat.

SOURCE: Associated Press

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