India has just declared the end of a deadly Nipah epidemic with a video clip


In a major relief to the medical community as well as citizens, Kerala was declared Nipah-free on Sunday.

The explosion of the mysterious Nipah virus that killed 17 people in the state of Kerala, in the south of the country, took place in May.

Initially, three people were declared dead and shortly thereafter, health officials throughout the state were on a mission to identify and quarantine anyone who might have had contact with them. lethal pathogen.
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Nipah is a formidable disease to fight; in which the virus attacks the brain and has the potential to make a person healthy comatose in barely a day.
The infection manifests itself in a series of symptoms, including fever, headache, confusion and disorientation. More serious symptoms include acute respiratory syndrome, in which the lungs can not have enough oxygen for the body, and fatal encephalitis.

Moreover, there is no vaccine or treatment – just symptomatic treatment. by bats, pigs or infected humans.

A total of 19 people became infected with the virus and only two of them recovered from the disease.

Given the macabre fallout of such a deadly epidemic that strikes a country of 1.3 billion people, it makes sense to celebrate the end of the deadly epidemic in style

and c & rsquo; Is exactly what India has just done. 19659004] Kozhikode, the third largest city of India, was declared free from Nipah after no new cases reported after May 31. To celebrate this, musicians and filmmakers gathered to make a beautiful music video on Bollywood. threatening virus.

The video was shot over three days, and all the artists provided their services for free.

"Do not forget that it's Kozhikode," said the lyrics. "We will overcome the contamination with strength and determination, we will not break down, we will never get tired … Bye, bye Nipah!"

The video director, who calls himself Regilesh Star Voice, told CNN in an interview, "During the Nipah virus period, a majority of the local population felt lonely, and everyone had We made this video clip dedicated to the public to show how proud we are of addressing this crisis. " [19659004ComposéeparSaiBalanetécriteparShajiKumarlachansonétaitunetentatived&#39;honorerlesprofessionnelsdelasantéquirisquaientleurviepoursauverlesautresetaussirécupérerlesespacespublicsquiétaientenveloppésdepeuretdedésespoiràcausedel&#39;épidémiedevirus[19659004] With scenes of shopping centers, the beach, the green backwaters emerald, main streets and restaurants, the video offers a slice of everyday life in Kozhikode, a marked change of the sifted condition of the last two months.

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