IndyCar driver Robert Wickens confirmed through a post on his Instagram account Thursday that he is a paraplegic after the Aug. 19 crash at Pocono Raceway. 

Paraplegia is defined as an impairment in motor or sensory function of the lower extremities, according to The site adds: “While some people with paraplegia can walk to a degree, many are dependent on wheelchairs or other supportive measures.”

The crash left Wickens’ car a flaming wreck as it spun into a wall and went spiraling into the air. 

Wickens acknowledged in his Instagram post that there is still confusion around his injury because he had only been posting videos of small movement in his legs, stating that he’s working to spark the nerves in his legs. But he is “far away from walking on my own.”

More: Spine specialist explains what may lie ahead for Robert Wickens’ recovery

More: Jay Frye ‘encouraged but not satisfied’ by way car, fence held up in Wickens crash

The racer had surgery on his hands and legs in September. In August, titanium rods and screws were placed in Wickens’ spine during surgery to stabilize a thoracic spinal fracture.


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