Infant botulism: early warning about honey lollipops


The State Department of Texas Health Services is warning parents and other adults not to give babies honey-filled lollipops after four babies have been treated for botulism in Texas.

The infant pacifiers contained honey purchased in Mexico.

The diseases appeared from mid-August to the end of October. The four babies were hospitalized for life-saving treatment.

Infants are residents of West Texas, North Texas and South Texas. Infants are not bound.

Botulism is a serious disease caused by a toxin that attacks the nerves and can lead to breathing difficulties, paralysis and even death. Honey can contain bacteria that produce the toxin in the intestines of babies who eat it. When children reach the age of 12 months, they have developed enough other types of bacteria in their digestive tract to prevent the botulism bacteria from growing and producing the toxin.

DSHS has issued a health alert asking health care providers to look for cases of infant botulism. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the American Academy of Pediatrics have long advised against consuming honey in children under 12 months of age.

Parents should also avoid lollipops containing any other food substance because they could also pose a botulism risk.

Texas has had seven to eight cases of infant botulism a year in recent years. Ten confirmed or suspected cases have been reported in 2018. Additional information on botulism is available on the DSHS website.

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